Water' A Source of Life

           All we need water. All living things need water to survive, if obtained from a fountain of water, a rain cloud, or a small bottle on the side of a hamster cage.

      Most of us today do not realize the importance of water for our overall health. True health can not occur without proper hydration of the body.

        Your body is estimated to be approximately 60 to 70 percent water. Blood is usually water, and muscles, lungs and brains contain all a lot of water. Your body needs water to regulate body temperature and to provide the means for nutrients to travel to all your organs. Water also transports oxygen to the cells waste and protects joints and organs. When the body gets a constant and reliable supply of fresh water, which has to ration what is available and cut back on certain functions in order to complete the offer.

         Without water, your body can not function properly. Water more than half of their body weight, and a person can no longer than a few days without survive. Why? Your body has many important tasks and needs water to do many of them. For example, the blood, which contains a lot of water, carries oxygen to all the cells of the body. Without oxygen, those tiny cells would die and would stop working your body.

        Water is also in lymph (eg limf), a liquid which is a part of the immune system that helps to fight disease. water is needed to digest food and to get rid of waste, too. Water needed for digestive juices, urine (urine) and poop. And you can be sure that the water is the main ingredient in perspiration, also called sweat.

         In addition to a significant part of the fluids in the body of water is required to function normally for each cell.Your body only has not received water from drinking water. Any liquid you drink will contain water, but water and milk are the best options. Many foods contain water, too. 

        The fruit contains a little water, which could probably tell if you have ever bitten into a peach or plum and felt the juices dripping down his chin! Vegetables also contain a lot of water - that of an oily tomato or crunch cut a stalk of crisp celery.

How much is enough?

        Because water is so important, you may wonder whether you drink enough. There is no magic amount of water that children need to drink every day. Usually kids want to drink with the meal, and certainly should drink when thirsty. But in hot weather or exercise, you need more. Make sure to drink extra water when outdoors in warm weather, especially when playing sports or exercising.

         If you drink is also important. If you go to the sport, a game, or just practice or play hard, before drinking water before, during and after play. Do not forget your water bottle. You can not play your best when you think you are thirsty!

        If your body does not have enough water, hot dry. Dehydration can also be maintained as fast and as strong as it would like to be. A severe case of dehydration can make you sick. So keep the water bottle handy when the weather warms up! Not only does water fight dehydration, but is very refreshing and has no calories.

       Your body can help keep you hydrated by regulating the amount of water in your system. The body can be when not enough water or get rid of it if you have. If your urine every time has been very light yellow, your body can get rid of excess water. If your urine is very dark yellow, which takes place in the water, so it's probably time to drink up.

      You can help your body by drinking when thirsty and drink more water if you exercise and in hot weather. Your body is able to do all its wonders, waterful will be and feel great!