Have A Cozy Sleep

          The average adult is supposed seven to eight hours of sleep per night, which is probably you can register to get about seven to eight hours. But well equipped to live a happy, we had the help of specialists, doctors, nutritionists, yogis, acupuncturists, coaches and the best measures you can get all day and night, so that you can most go in and out of sleep.

          Here are ten ways you can get a good night's sleep naturally. Try one or more joints and better sleep habits, sleep and body rest are obtained to implement.


         Exercise can improve all aspects of your life, including your sleep. celebrity trainer Josh Holland (who was behind Madonna physics over the last five years) gave us the skinny on the development and sleep. "The high intensity training and exercise can help the body needs to recover," he said. "Sleep and go hand in hand recovery. The more you train, the more recovery and sleep your body needs, it is important to first create a baseline for the quality of your sleep. This means making something as well as the exercise of the morning to relieve stress and improve your mood, resulting in the longest sleep and heard later in the evening. certainly not too much to break a sweat just before bedtime. Working with force in three hours after hitting the bag really makes it hard to sleep.

Put an Eye on your Diet 

         What you eat is digested and how can affect the way you sleep. Ruelle suggests eating one ounce of almonds or a tablespoon of almond butter for about two hours before bedtime. "The protein in almonds to keep stable blood sugar in the blood during sleep," he said. "And it is believed that the magnesium in almonds can help you a good night." weak digestion, it can be hard to sleep, so Lee said that to avoid eating large, heavy meals late at night. You should also stay away from foods that are hard to digest, such as peppers, hot peppers, and cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cabbage and Brussels sprouts. You can prevent indigestion, however, nibbling on a rice cake or yogurt.

Sleep in a Quiet Room

         It is almost obvious that silence helps us sleep. Experts point out that we do not use white noise to sleep better, but actually used to cover other offensive noises that can keep us awake. The best practice is simply to keep things as quiet as humanly possible. If there are elements that are beyond their control (sirens, barking dogs), you can always use earplugs or earmuffs. 

Sleep in the Dark

        Studies have shown that sleep is in the dark and will help you fall asleep faster and help you sleep. Sleep in the dark helps increase the production of melatonin, which is better equal sleep. Experts suggest using curtains or a sleep mask. They also recommend against digital displays you (or off), and if you have a night light bulb must use a blue light. 

Tuck with mesmerizing crystal

   All jewels are for decoration; some have healing properties that can help you sleep. Try stopped rose quartz or amethyst under your pillow. Rose quartz is said to bring emotions into balance and promote peace, while the amethyst has an energy of light sedation that promotes peace.

Take a Bedtime Bath

       You can remove the stress of the day and prepare for sleep a good night with a nice, quiet, relaxing bath. Add essential oils of lavender, which can improve the properties and soothing bath. mixtures of plants, such as Dreamtime Lozano, help you sleep and moisturize the skin.

Avoid Caffeine

       You can also restless sleep or waking up in the middle of the night. Stick to beverages without caffeine, such as water, mineral water or freshly squeezed juice.Some people take longer to eliminate caffeine from your system, you must give your body time to clean.

Read a Book of fiction

        It takes you into a whole new world when you get really into it. And a little time to think about the book if you fall asleep. I feel like I read more and more independent of the book, I get more tired at night and find it easier to fall asleep.