Improve your Brain Power

           It may seem a strange question, but how much time your brain will give a fair trial? Is wonder of his supreme intelligence and incredible strength? It controls a large electrical muscle in the body? Or at least check and give your brain a spring cleaning and redecorating every now and then?

        If you're like most people, your answer is probably "no." Your brain working overtime to you, and give you a thought.

        Most of us rarely think about investing in a brain training occasionally. For a long time, scientists thought that we stuck with the brain, they gave us. Fortunately for us, that theory went out the window with the arrival of a new theory.

       Enter neuroplasticity - the theory proved to be a very surprising fact: The brain has the ability to change. This means that if you're not so smart in one area, which is quite good! You have the option to "change" this brain region with a little training. A simple way to think about it is this:

        The brain is a muscle. Regular exercise is necessary. The most interesting thing is that you do not have to be a millionaire to increase your brain power, or to return to school or invest in expensive technologies. All you need is a little time to train the brain that constantly invest. With that in mind, here are seven simple ways to increase your brain power and improve intelligence.

       Meditate. Simple meditation, you can start now, to simply close your eyes and attention on your breathing. As the mind wanders, bring your attention back to the breath. Only five to ten minutes of this meditation can help you relax, clear your mind, and let more prepared for any mental activity. This can really be critical during a particularly stressful day at work, or if you have trouble relaxing during their days off.

       Exercise regularly. helps to exercise more systematically brain function and improvement of neurogenesis (the growth and development of nerve tissue). This means that every time you exercise is to develop new brain cells and focus your mind and body into a stressful event (ideally). Get off the couch and get to work! The brain will thank you!

      To write. Writing is a method to count the reminder of what is important to clarify your thoughts and help remember things easier in the future. It is also an exercise method for their analytical and creative capabilities. Ideas magazines, newspapers, take notes, poems, e-writing histories of all the ways you can increase your brain power. This does not mean that you are a winner of the Pulitzer Prize; Just help the law in the expansion and improvement of the brain, even if it is something that nobody ever reads.

     Hear what Mozart. In a study conducted at the University of California, scientists have found that children who sang in the choir every day and studied piano, were much better at solving puzzles, and scored 80 percent better in spatial intelligence than non musical group. In another study, 36 students were given three spatial reasoning tests on an IQ test. Just before the first test, they listened to a Mozart sonata for two pianos in D major, K. 448 for 10 minutes. For the second test, they listened to a relaxation tape. For the third, were silent. Median scores for 36 students: 1st test: 119. 2nd test: 111. 3rd test: 110. That's an increase of nine points from Mozart!

     Risa. The release of endorphins produced by laughter reduces stress - this is great for the health of long-term brain. In addition, the laughter you usually leave more open to brand new thoughts and ideas.

     A healthy diet. Our diets have a huge impact on brain function. The brains consume more than 20 percent of all the oxygen and nutrients we consume - to be sure to adequately feed the brains! (Ie, fruits and vegetables and high in Omega 3 oils in fatty fish).

     Get enough sleep. Sleep is like a mini-detox cure for your brain. Only when the body regenerates cells and eliminates all the toxins accumulated during the day. Go to bed 21: 00-0h 00, to enjoy a sleep efficiency.