Back Pain' Lower and Upper

                    Back pain is one of the most common complaints from around the world. While back pain, sometimes brought about injury or stress is often the result of a degenerative disease that develops with the age and repetitive movements.

 Causes of Lower Back Pain

         A cause of back pain is a herniated (“slipped”) disk. Disks are the cartilage rings between the 33 small bones (vertebrae) that comprise the spine. The alternating bone-cartilage arrangement gives elasticity. But disk injury' which typically come into sight on X-rays and MRIs as bulging or a split can  force on nearby nerves and cause serious pain.

      Back Muscle strain is usually caused by immoderate burdens on the muscle or tendon, such as sudden lifting a heavy object. A sudden twist of the torso can be another cause which sometimes cause ligament damage. When retrieving or weak abdominal muscles, obesity, or abnormal curvature of the spine can increase the risk of muscle tension in the lower back of a person. Some old injury, poor posture and lack of exercise resulting in stiffening of the spine.

Lower Back Pain Treatment 

          Exercise is the most important way you can overcome your back pain. Research shows that bed rest for more than a few days in back pain does not help but make it really worse and your back muscles weaken and you become less fit.    

         Sitting at an angle of 135 degrees can lessen the compression of the discs in the spine, so that healing back slightly from time to time.

        Make sure your Office Chair compatible with the curve of  your spine. Your lower back should be supported, and your head should be straight  not bending forward.

        You must think about their driving  position.Extending your leg puts your back in a compromised position, but many people don't even aware they're doing it.

        Taking hot baths or using a heating pad also beneficial in back pain. Heat is soothing and opens the blood vessels, which brings more oxygen and healing nutrients to damaged tissues. The design examination and Australian researchers found that the heat helps to relieve back pain.

Causes of Upper Back Pain

        There are many musculature disorders that can cause pain in the upper back. Even simple, such as sleeping in an awkward position or roll over in bed can lead movements.

Shoulder pain can be debilitating and cause significant problems for one day, but not become a lifelong problem, provided that appropriate medical techniques. various types of shoulder pain and shoulder injuries that cause pain.

Upper Back Pain Treatment

        Change your sleeping position reduces pressure on the back and sometimes help alleviate experienced the degree of pain. A doctor or physiotherapist can give you advice on how to position and use cushions for best results.

        If you set in a position that the back pain is caused by muscle tension, as with many sports injuries, physical therapy can be a good option. Physiotherapists accompany patients through exercises and extends to the point where patients are able to work on their own at home in order to reduce the pain.

       When the rear of the block is used for the upper back, he must first be placed in its flat side, passing under the long curve of the thoracic spine, so that the upper edge is located at the base of the neck at the top of the shoulders. The bottom will be about waist high level.

                             "Prevention is better than cure in back pain."