How to Improve Eye Health

           There are many ways to improve your eye health - including getting enough rest, "which allows your eyes to fully recover and recover from the day exercising your eyes with warm it with your hands and roll them and make breaks computer and books. despite all these lead to a better view and the strength of increases in the eyes, the best way to improve your eyesight is through the foods you eat. the following eight foods insurance to improve your overall health of the eye.

          The base is to recognize that all the tension and stress in your eyes is not only related to his eyes, but stress that you can wear on your body, especially the face, which is closely related to your brains. Since the appearance of the voltage on its face - and relax the muscles around the eyes is the first step of this and understand that a healing process that may take some time, especially if the external environment is heavy.

Eat the Right Foods


           Almost every doctor will tell you patients to eat, but while the NIH has made a number of long-term studies on the eye and food, who can not be reversed to show eye injuries a healthy diet rich in vegetables and fish,


         Green vegetables - such as spinach, kale, broccoli and kale - are known to prevent vision loss. They are full of vitamins A, B12, C and calcium. Your best bet is to eat as many green vegetables a day if possible - and make sure they do not burn because they can lose some of their nutrients.

          Start the day with an egg or two to keep your vision on the job. Eggs contain proteins which are beneficial to the lens of the eye. Yellow is also good for you because it helps prevent eye diseases as you age.

         Such as eggs, garlic helps protect the lens and can help protect against cataracts and eye diseases as you age. Garlic is really great - while improving eye health, but also helps reduce cholesterol, a healthy immune system and increased blood flow.

         You've probably heard the carrots were good for you and your days looking for Bunny insects, but why? Carrots contain beta-carotene, which is good for the retina and protects against damage from the sun. Dip the carrots in peanut butter for a healthy, taste.

         Fish - especially salmon, tuna and cod - contains healthy omega-3, found in the retina. Omega-3 fatty acids are also known for your brain power leads indirectly to raise a better view. If you are not a fan of fish, taking fish oil pills to achieve similar results.

         Almonds, cashews and peanuts all contain omega-3 such as fish. Although not both, they are also known to help reduce dry eyes and eye diseases as you age. Take a handful of mid-morning if you need a pick-me-up.

         Save room for dessert - dark chocolate is good for your vision! Specifically, contains flavonoids which protect the blood vessels in the eye. blood vessels are also very strong cornea and crystalline, so eat!

Sun Gaze 

          Close your eyes gently and watch the sun which absorbs light (even while relaxing the muscles). This can provide a soft warm feeling calm on his face and even the rest of your body, and can help tremendously relaxing. This is feasible for a few seconds when the sun rises and sets is because the sun's rays while being less powerful and less dangerous to the eyes. This will also remove a layer of mucus from the top of the eyeball.