Don't Waste Yourself in Smoke

              Smoking causes lung cancer and cancer of the oral cavity, esophagus, larynx and bladder. More than 95% of lung cancer are smokers or who are exposed to tobacco smoke. 90% of smokers with lung cancer die within three years of diagnosis. The risk increases steadily with the number of cigarettes per day.

       The most common side effect of smoking is the development of lung cancer. more benign dangers of smoking his yellow teeth, bad breath, smelly clothes and are more prone to colds.

       Some smokers getting brown spots of nicotine on their fingers. Smoking can cause a loss of taste, tooth decay, stained teeth, bad breath, cause mouth sores and receding gums.

       Smoking makes it harder for the blood through the body (Buerger's disease) pumps, and one of the worst smoking long-term effects is the development of cardiovascular disease.

        Smoking is a major risk factor for heart attacks, emphysema, cancer, stroke and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

       Nicotine affects the joints, bones and muscles. Osteoporosis and osteopenia caused, and thus increases the risk of bone fractures and tissue wounds.

      Other dangers of smoking are impotence, arteriosclerosis, blood clots, lung, cervix, esophagus, bladder, larynx, mouth, pancreas and kidneys, and emphysema, and symptoms such as wheezing, coughing, dizziness, decreased stamina, athletic performance poor and nausea.

      A side effect of smoking is the accumulation of carbon monoxide in the blood. In high blood levels of carbon monoxide can affect vision, the perception of time and coordination.

      Toxins in the smoke can cause a significant reduction in lung function. smoker's cough is a common symptom that develops when the immune system tests expel substances collected in the lungs and air passage. Gradually, the airways are more susceptible to infections in immunocompromised patients.

      Smoking health effects of women significantly by causing miscarriages, infertility, complicated pregnancies, and early menopause. Smoking during pregnancy and breastfeeding may have adverse effects on the baby in infancy and as they grow. Smoking is known to cause abnormal sperm and therefore, male infertility.

       Tobacco smoke has a large amount of toxins that cause adverse effects on non-smokers.

     This is one of the main reasons why people are reluctant to stop - they are concerned about weight gain. But ASH, anti-tobacco activists, the average weight gain is saying only half stone.