Save your Life from Pollution

            The problem of household waste is receiving more attention from the public as the amount of waste collected following roads lie, streets and garbage on the field causing damage to the environment and endanger human health.

         The waste is generated as a result of household activities such as cleaning, cooking, repair of empty containers, packaging, massive use of plastic bags. Often this waste is mixed with biomedical waste in hospitals and clinics. There is no system of separation of organic, inorganic household level and recyclable waste. door to door collection of rarely-collection containers practiced community are poorly managed and usually are nothing more than open dumps on the road sky.

       Operation and management of unfit homes household waste cause negative impact on public opinion and the environment deteriorates.

        Municipal workers are most people the danger of the work (risk) taken for waste treatment, suffering from diseases such as eye problems, skin problems, gastroenteritis and respiratory problems. People wander things thrown from the sale of purpose through waste collection also suffer from various health problems such as breathing difficulties if inhaled particles contact with contaminated materials that cause headaches, diarrhea, fever, infection and coughs and colds.

        The growing problem of lack of collection techniques and inadequate solid waste disposal also lead to various diseases and even death of animals, especially cows, birds and stray dogs that roam and scavenge on junk food. These residues have different characteristics and toxic elements. Many times, animals like cows, buffaloes eat food alongwith plastic and due to the death of animals as a result. Because eat food waste affects the quality and quantity of dairy cattle.

         Mismanagement and lack of technical waste disposal pollutes the environment. It affects water bodies. It also changes the biological bodies of physical, chemical and water. uncollected garbage is scattered everywhere and reached the second round of water bodies as leachate into groundwater. Toxic contaminates the wastewater in substances. It also makes the soil infertile and reduce agricultural productivity.

        Due to improper removal techniques not hide removal and also leads to losing mosquitoes of various diseases such as malaria, guinea fowl, Wirel fever, dengue, etc. having a negative impact on human health.

       Municipal Solid Waste Management (Management and Handling) Rules, which the central government has been designed under the power trapped by the standards of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 came into force from 2000, even after 7 years of the rules, there is a huge lack of literacy programs and management techniques available that maintains most people ignorant about waste management. This lack of awareness among people increases the problems.

       Apathetic attitude of the public towards waste is a problem that has led to problems in the implementation of the "Management Solid Waste (Management and Handling) Rules of 2000 'as it has led to ignorance towards domestic waste not collected. processing and disposal must be carried out by the City of themselves or by the operator of the facility, and they must follow the rules of 2000 in regulation.

       False and apathetic attitude towards the management of household waste has adverse effects on society and the environment of various diseases, such as diarrhea, fever, coughs and colds, headaches, chicken Guinea, etc., for people who these areas live near the local garbage, municipal workers and even animals like cows, birds walking through garbage for food. uncollected household waste is the source threat to health and environmental pollution that threatens the life of the population.

       It is one of the largest sources of environmental pollution. The land is contaminated by waste dumped into it, the land is barren. pollutes water bodies, causing aquatic life through the power of man, and organic compounds obtained. Because of discarded plastic bags and waste it is not blocked drain that leads to stagnant water and become breeding grounds for mosquitoes and insects. All this happens because there is no management, and solid waste collection itself, which ultimately causes severe threat to the lives of people and animals.

        With the growing population of the enormous waste generated daily. There is extensive use of plastics, advanced technology and other material things. This resulted in different characteristics of the waste have become a complicated management techniques and internal waste disposal problem.

       This is such a fire problem related to the environment must be carefully studied and considered all waste containers Street uncollected scattered around the grounds and cast in place, so no odors and the danger to human health and the loop.

 Some suggestions to eradicate the problem of household waste

        Efforts should be made to strengthen, local science and technology authorities to provide training to the existing workforce and the exchange of information and integration of knowledge, complementing the efforts of agencies the environment.

        Efforts should be promoted individually.The need to feed people in a heap at the source, take the waste according to the instructions of local authorities and to participate effectively in the activities of local authorities to keep towns.

         People are used to store waste at source in their own homes and storage of this waste in the municipal system.Cleaning should be developed as a part of the culture.

        A change in the mindset of the people and they should have the luxury lifestyle to avoid creating more waste.

        Popular participation should be increased to make them aware of their rights and obligations in the legal training camps in the application of laws and regulations.