A Breath of Fresh Air

            Have you noticed differences in how it feels to be inside, on the beach, in the woods or in urban areas contaminated, or do your workout inside or outside? What makes the difference? Let's talk.

       We spend so much time at home and sit all day makes us unhealthy. The lack of fresh air, sunlight and physical activity affects our well-being. According to the World Health Organization, which increases the chances of depression, obesity and cardiovascular disease is a very serious those responsible for public health warning.

         Fresh sea, mountain and forest air have a positive effect on our health for its healing properties. There are many health benefits scientifically proven fresh air as clean lungs, lifting the mood, relieve stress, reduce anxiety and depression, strengthens the immune system, improve sleep and heart rate, increase levels energy, lower blood pressure and levels of cortisol, improving disease conditions, and the fight against cancer. Fresh air is vital for people in urban areas where the air is heavily polluted life.

        Sea ​​air containing ozone, a lot of minerals and trace elements such as iodine, selenium, magnesium, bromine track. People living on the coast, feel healthier compared to those who are far from the coast. Travelers to beach destinations experiencing the positive effects of the marine environment as well. The sea air is extremely beneficial for people suffering from a metabolic disease, respiratory diseases and functional disorders of the nervous system.

        Several scientific studies have positive effect on human well-being in an environment rich in oxygen and the compound shown with nature. People like a park or forest because of the quiet atmosphere, feel the freshness in the air, birds can, plants, trees, see the spring flowers in bloom and beautiful fall colored leaves. In addition, studies have shown that, while the green can reduce stress.

       Walking in the woods is a popular activity in Japan. Shinrin-Yoku forest or swimming are not new to the Japanese. Li Qing, associate professor of public health and hygiene teacher, president of the Japanese Society of Medicine Selva, is a world leader Shinrin Yoku. In 1982 the concept of forest bath that includes management and stress relaxation activities has become Japan and South Korea are introduced. Richard Ryan, professor of psychology at the University of Rochester, emphasizes the importance of connecting with nature and states that "may be one of the pathways to health spending more time in nature."

       Climatoterapia is convenient to use the climatic and meteorological for the treatment of disease or improvement of health conditions. People move specific to spend time in the salubrious climate with the sea air, cool forest or mountain geographic locations. Climatotherapy is an alternative medicine high positive results on human health, without the risk of side effects. Aerotherapy take an air bath or climate therapy treatment and is recognized as a medical practice many diseases in several European countries.

         Enjoy the outdoors and connect with nature as much as possible! Enjoy the beauty and tranquility of the natural environment. Walking or playing active games on the beach, walking or cycling through the green trails, mountain climbing, or just gardening. On leaving nature to do your workout in the fresh air instead of inside, because it will help cleanse your body from the lungs and stress. Deep breathing fresh air provide more oxygen in the blood. In addition to all the above benefits of outdoor training, but also they offer the advantage of being free. Your training will be more energy due to wind, terrain and altitude. In addition, sand creates more resistance than when driving on paved roads. Kill two birds with one stone by combining their time in a natural environment and exercise there.


1. 20% of the oxygen we breathe is used by the brain functioning. Increasing the amount of fresh air that can give more clarity to the brain, promoting optimum performance while helping to think, concentrate and focus better.

2. Serotonin release is influenced by the amount of oxygen that has in his blood. Serotonin promotes a sense of happiness and well-being as the coldest air will greatly improve your mood. This is often why it is better, more relaxed and more rested after feeling out!

3. Fresh air is good for the lungs. When you sit inside, it is common shallow breathing, breathing air at the top of their lungs, known as the apical breathing name. Outside, moving, walking or jogging promotes increased diaphragmatic breathing, allowing you to breathe more deeply, drawing more air deep into the bottom of the lungs. This not only carries oxygen to the cells, it helps the lungs to expel more toxins in the air the body - helps clean the interior.

4. Breathing fresh air can help reduce airborne diseases and infections. This is because bacteria and viruses decreased survival in the fresh air compared to warm, moist interior that develop.

5. Increased oxygen improves performance and effectiveness of each cell of your body by improving the function of the entire body - the production of hormones, digestion, tissue regeneration, muscle contraction, etc. ..!

     Avoid jogging, running or cycling along busy roads as a result of emissions of carbon dioxide. Park or forest tracks have to be the best places for such activities. Spend at least 20 minutes a day in a natural environment to improve their health and wellbeing. Connect with nature. Enjoy the fresh air, wind and sun! Be excited, to be healthy and happy!