How to Eliminate Stress from Your Life

 You often see articles on how to relax after a stressful day, I always find useful, but for me the most important advice would be to go to the source of the problem and reduce the stress on even before it happens.

Through careful editing of his life, and changing certain habits, we can eliminate most (not all) sources of stress in your life.

I do not think a stress-free life is possible. Stress is a response to the challenges of life and a life without challenges is too boring to contemplate. However, I think most of the stress in our lives is unnecessary and can be avoided by taking some (and some not so easy) easy steps. You can not just do it - I was eliminating stress in my life for a while now, and I'm not done yet. But I think it's a worthy goal.

First, let's take a look at an example - it's a little extreme, but it is an example of a typical stressors in people's lives. Let's say Fred gets up in the morning, waking up too late, and now must turn to prepare. It's so rushed that coffee spilled on his shirt and must change, a nicks himself shaving. He goes to the door and then go back into the house because he forgot his wallet. He climbs into the car and realizes he forgot his keys.

It is now in the way the work is in the middle of traffic at peak times - and temperament begins to light after someone interrupts. There people honking, cursing, and arrives late for work and cranky. He cries out for someone and is surly all morning. His desk is covered with stacks of paper, and he can not find the report you need to work. Your inbox is full and email notification of fate, and see that you respond 36 messages. He knows he is behind both projects and his boss is not happy. He must complete five tasks before the 11 am meeting and all meetings all afternoon.

You get the idea. Your day is not going well, and takes the road back during rush hour on the road. He comes home late, exhausted, completely stressed out, his mind still in the end and not unfinished projects, his inbox and always full inbox email, and all the things that build you need to work on morning. The house is a mess and it fits in your family. Her children are not put things away exactly where he told them to keep, he starts yelling at them. He has a quick dinner before television and fatty areas before going to sleep later.

Again, this is a bit extreme, but you can see through this illustration some of the things that focus on people. There are many more, of course, and I will not cover all here. However, these stressors can be eliminated with a little thought. Here's how:

Identify stressors. This is the most important step of all, identify the things that cause you stress in your life is to abolish the first step in the direction. Take 10 minutes to think about what comes out during the day. What weekly events that cause stress? What people, activities, things cause stress in your life? Make a list of 10, and to see who can be eliminated from them, and start eliminating from the outside. For those who do not find ways to make them less burdensome.

Remove unnecessary obligations. I have a post on editing your commitments before ... these concepts apply here. We all have many commitments in our life, starting with work but also including commitments related to kids, our spouses, which can be done at home, other family members, civilian side, religious, recreation, activities online and much Lake. Consider each of them, the amount of stress they provide, and the value you get from them. Edit brutally, and take steps now to take this path because you the most stress.

Delay. We all, of course. But things will stack our stressed. Find ways to take care of things now (form a habit now) and keep your desktop clean inbox. See 20 Procrastination Hacks for more ideas.

Disorganization. We are all disorganized to a certain extent. Even when we organize something, and created a great system to keep it, things tend to move towards chaos over time. But disorganization stresses us in terms of visual clutter, and it's hard to do things that we need. Take time to do things organized in your life, from his desk and papers at home and move to other areas.

'In the afternoon. Delays we have always said. We must fight for hand, rushing to get there, and stress all the time looking bad and too late. Learn the habit early on, and disappears tension. Make a conscious effort to start preparing for, and leave early. This also makes it less stressful driving. Time to see how long you have to prepare really for, and the time needed to actually go somewhere. What we underestimated nowadays. Once you know these times, you're going backwards so that you show up 10 minutes earlier each time. It's a good feeling.

Controller. We are not the master of this universe. I know sometimes we like, but pretending we are is a sure way to get stressed. Trying to control situations and people can not work, and only serves to increase our anxiety when it does not. Learn to let go and accept how others do things, and accept what happens in different situations. The only thing you can control is yourself - work on that before thinking about trying to control the world. You also learn to separate the tasks and delegate. Learn to let go of our need to get under control others and the situations around us is a major step towards eliminating stress step.

Multitasking. With multiple ongoing tasks at the same time they can seem productive, but we really slows down to focus on a task and finish - and we emphasize that the interval. Get into one job.

Eliminate leaking energy. If your life (in Step 1) were analyzed and found things that cause you stress, you also noticed things that drain your energy. Some things in life that make us more exhausted than others, with less value. Identify them and cut them. You will have much more energy and less stress. Happiness occurs.

Avoid difficult people. You know who they are. If you take the time to think about it, you can identify all the people in your life - bosses, colleagues, clients, friends, family, etc. - that complicate life. Now you can confront and fight with them, but it will certainly be difficult. The scholarship that cut his life.

Simplifying life. Simplify, of course, is a major theme of Zen Habits. Simplify your routines, your commitments, your information intake, your cluttered rooms, the mass of things going on in your life ... and have less stress as a result. Start with Edit Your Life and then look through the other simplicity articles.

Deprogramming. Create more open periods in your life. No need to schedule every minute of our lives. Learn to avoid meetings have blocks of time when or work on our important tasks or open process small batches. If someone asks to schedule a meeting, first try to do this by e-mail or phone ... if that does not work, ensure that program. Ask them to call and see if you are free at that time. You will love having an open schedule.

Slow down. Instead of rushing through life, learn to take things calmly. Enjoy your food, enjoy the people around you, enjoy nature. This step alone can save lots of stress.

Help others. This can try to contradict more tasks to your life to other people (which is enough to do so) to help add seem, but if you want something to add your life, it should be. Helping others, whether volunteering for a good cause or just an exercise compassion with people you know, not only gives a very good feeling to somehow reduce your stress level. Of course, this does not work if you try to control others, or help others in a very rushed and frenetic way - learn to take it easy, enjoy, and let the things that make you different work life better.

Relax all day. It is important to take short breaks during your work day. Stop what you're doing, massage your shoulders and neck and head, hands and arms, get up and stretch, walk, drink water. Go out and enjoy the fresh air and beautiful sky. Talk to someone you love. Life does not have to be all about productivity. You should also avoid excessive use of online activities such as your de-stressing activity - to the computer to relax.

Stop working. drastically, and probably too drastic for the most part. But most likely, your work is your absolute biggest stressor. Let your 9-5, automating your income, and something you really enjoy doing find're passionate about, will create a positive life and much less stressful than. Think about it before dismissing it - there might be possibilities not taken into account here.

Exercise. This is a common advice for stress, and that's because it works ... but it's also a stress prevention method. Exercise helps relieve stress accumulation, which is a quiet time to think and relax, not least, makes you more convenient. A fitter person is better equipped to handle stress. Another important factor: unhealthy can be a major stressor (especially if you go to the hospital) can help, and exercise to prevent this.

Eat healthy. This goes along with exercise as a stress prevention method, of course. Healthier and remove an important source of stress. I also noticed that greasy food, for me, puts me in a worse mood and can contribute to stress levels immediately.

Be thankful. This may not be as obvious as some of the others, but developing an attitude of gratitude (I sound like a preacher with the rhyme!) Is a way of thinking positive, so negative thoughts out of your life, and that the tension reduced. Learn grateful for what you have to be, because the people in your life, and see it as a gift. With this kind of check flow of life, stress and happiness. That's a winning formula.