Eat Vegetables'Be Healthy

             Vegetables from the humble pumpkin carrots, broccoli and kale to. They can be grilled, baked, mashed or just eat them raw, and the possibility to address many important benefits for your health and wellbeing. These are the main benefits of eating vegetables:

1. Reduce the Potential and Cancer Symptoms

       Vegetables can fight cancer. This is without a doubt the biggest health benefit of eating vegetables and cause cancer in 2014, 1 in 4 deaths in the UK, it seems that more people are affected by the disease.

        But how plants have a possible cure or prevention of the symptoms or diagnosis of cancer? It appears that many scientists have found that vitamin C may play a critical role as a block for the disease.

        And how vitamin C refer to vegetables? Well, if you look in foods containing vitamin C, it is clear that, green pepper contains 244 mg per 100 g of eggplant 2 mg per 100 grams of fruit and vegetables listed foods vitamin C. dominate

        Dr. Linus Pauling and Ewan Cameron designed, in a 1971 study of 1,100 patients with cancer, showing the strength of the vitamin. 100 cancer patients received 10 grams of vitamin C per day until the end of 1978, while the other received 1000 without extra supplement of vitamin C at that time.

        Have survived to the end of the study, of which 13,100, while there is no 1000 is maintained. Moreover, 12 out of 13 showed no further signs of cancer.

        We can think of these findings as a result of the crucial effect of vitamin C in the body, which to build the immune system. The vitamin is present in high concentrations in the immune cells that fight infection in the body, so that the consumption of vegetables that are rich in vitamin C, reduces the risk of disease.

 Vegetables rich in vitamin C include:

     Red pepper (190 mg per 100 grams)

     Parsley (130 mg per 100 g)

     Broccoli (90 mg per 100 g)

    Sprouts (80 mg per 100 grams)

2. Ensures that your Skin Radiant

        Although at first this may not be an obvious advantage with eating vegetables, a study by Dr. Ian Stephen proposes to the University of Nottingham (2010) for those looking for greater clarity, there can be sustainable use of the plant.

        The study found that eating vegetables rich in carotenoids - vitamin A and beta Carolene (two potent antioxidants), such as carrots, tomatoes and peppers, the participants had a healthier skin color could be obtained simply sunbathe.

        Carotenoids are compounds that give vegetables their vibrant colors. Other vehicles, with a high concentration of carotenoids include:

    Sweet potatoes (cooked) 100g - 384% DV (DV)

     Kale (cooked) per 100g - 272% DV

     Cos / cosine 100g - 174% DV

3. Help to Lose Weight

        This can be a surprise in view of the fact that most vegetables contain almost all levels of fat, saturated fat or sugar. However, it is not only the low-fat which can help weight loss, but also the percentage of fibers and energy density (ED) in some vegetables. ED can just watch as the amount of calories in the diet; more the energy density, the more calories. Fiber was widely believed that leave you feeling full longer when you eat.

         Yeo and Roberts et al (2001) found in a study (the length of more than six months), they were able to see a relationship between the consumption of low fat, high fiber food and weight loss, with respect to obtaining the weight foods with a high fat low fiber content.

      Vegetables fall into the "high fiber low fat" category include:

       Eggplant (3 grams of fiber per 100 g, 12% of the daily amount, 0.2 grams of fat per 82 g, 0% of the daily allowance)

      Carrot (2.8 grams of fiber per 100 g, 11% of the daily volume, 0.2 g fat per 100 g, 0% of the daily allowance)

        Sweet potatoes (3 grams of fiber per 100 g, 12% of the daily volume, 0 g fat per 100 g, 0% of the daily allowance)

4. Improving the mental health and memory

          But it is general that the high content of omega-3 fatty acids in fish such as salmon, to improve tuna, mackerel, and milk, such as the brain functions, it is also important to note the importance of vegetables in the memory of the memory and Mental Health .

         As the reasons for plants that significant weight loss is shown low-fat help memory retention, as research by Olivia Okereke MD et al (2012).

          In this study, the researchers found that in the period of 4 years for the mental capacity of their nationals, those with higher levels of saturated fat in their diet to be tested, they were even worse on mental tests. Other research suggests that this may be caused by a build-up of fatty deposits and beta-amyloid plaques in the brains section, which has been observed in Alzheimer's patients.

        However, some vegetables can help the only mental health; tomato.

       The pigment that gives tomatoes their red with bright colors is lycopene, it has been shown that it is advantageous for the mental health in a study conducted in Finland by Karppi et al (2012)

       The study was proposed in order to investigate the effects of vitamin B and stroke, however, the results showed that of the 1031 men tested, those with the highest concentrations of lycopene were 59% and 55% less likely to be a stroke.

        Other vegetables rich in lycopene include:

   Red peppers (cooked) 100 g - 484 micrograms

   Asparagus (cooked) per 100g - 30 micrograms

    100 g of red cabbage - 20 micrograms

5. Improve Eyesight

         Carrots always presented to us as being good for the eyes, with people suggesting that you may even receive a level of "night vision" of them. Therefore, the amount of the truth? And not just any other vegetable improve vision?

          In a study by Perlman et al (1983) found that around the claims of Vitamin A, and the increase in the view was valid. They tried a number of patients with vision problems, measuring of vitamin A levels in your system, before surgery on the eye. They found that levels of vitamin A are greatly reduced in your body.

         Some patients then received a high dose of vitamin A after surgery, while others do not. The results showed a complete change and retention of appearance after 7 months in the group containing vitamin A in comparison with those without injection.

         This coupled with the fact that they look bad when levels of vitamin A were low, offers greater reliability of the claims of plants in order to improve visibility.

        Although we have a high concentration of vitamin A can receive in carrots (cooked - 341% of the daily value per 100 grams), other vegetables contain similar levels, including spinach (cooked - 272% of the recommended daily allowance per 100 grams ) and charcoal (100% of the daily value per 100 grams).

        Green vegetables such as spinach, cabbage, kale, beet greens and Pak Choi is also proposed to see the same qualities improved by having a pair of compounds called lutein and zeaxanthin.

         In a study by Leung et al (2004), the researchers used a species of monkey called Rhesus, a close relative of the chimpanzee and humans have suspiciously similar DNA to 93% in a human, and tested how the development of the retina and vision of strength is affected.

          A set of monkeys were to be subjected to a system substantially free of purified lutein and zeaxanthin n-3-fatty acids, while the other monkeys have to be provided with a supplement of lutein and zeaxanthin pure every 6 to 24 months. They found that the structure of the retina and vision screened at diet free lutein and zeaxanthin.

           Although the rhesus monkey is not an exact match for a human being, it is clear that having a diet rich in green vegetables carrots and vision benefits for the average person.

6. Make you Glad

         This may seem to hear a little strange to regularly eating vegetables can give you a greater sense of happiness, but there is no scientific evidence behind the claim.

         In a recent study of TS Conner et al (2015), 405 people were invited to eat fruits, vegetables, sweets and chips, and asked to complete an Internet newspaper with feelings about how happy they were and how strong their feelings wax wellbeing. The conclusion showed that those who ate fruits and vegetables creates a greater sense of happiness compared with those who ate candy and chips.

       One possible reason for this is due to the lack of fat in the plant, according to research by Brunner et al (2009), suggesting that those who eat high-fat diet are more often depressed.

        This is further reinforced by a study of Australian Mujcic et al (2014), in which we asked 13,969 people how happy they were after eating vegetables. The researchers concluded that vegetables have to play an important role in not only the mental physical health, but people in society.

        The beneficial component of plant nutrition to increase happiness is that all vegetables to eat, what levels of vitamins and minerals.

7. Keep Hydrated

        If you want to stay hydrated, is the probability of reaching for a piece of radish has a low level, however, it is important to understand that the vegetables can maintain a feeling of freshness.

       Topping the list of vegetables with high water content are cucumbers, lettuce and celery, while as much as 95% of the water.

       They are closely followed by tomato (94% water), while the coal is at risk of 93% of water. Cauliflower, eggplant, red cabbage, peppers and spinach all contain 92%.

       Other vehicles, with large amounts of water include broccoli (91%), carrots (87%) and green peas (79%).

      Although they are not completely water-based, it is clear that plants can play an important role in order to remain hydrated.

8. Reduce the Risk of Cardiovascular Disease

      Cardiovascular diseases such as coronary heart disease and stroke in a large number of deaths in the UK, with almost identical rates in cancer mortality by about 160,000 people from 2011.

      However, science has shown that these diseases can be reduced by large scale through increased consumption of vegetables.

     Wang et al (2014) that, in a sample of 833,234 people with cardiovascular disease and cancer, which up to 5 vegetables per day is reduced the probability that, in particular, heart and vascular diseases ,.

      Similarly, Bazzano et al (2002) found that, on a sample of more than 9,000 people of 25-74 years, the vegetables may lower the risk of mortality in a variety of cardiovascular diseases including stroke and ischemic heart disease.

     One interpretation of these results is to understand how to reverse or treat cardiovascular disease in the diet.

      Harvard Public Health Institute suggests that the bad fats "such as red meat and dairy products high in fat (with a higher level of cholesterol in the body), when consumed long time, can be deadly. Avoid therefore can enhance foods rich in saturated fats how the heart operates so that vegetables are a great addition to a diet people.

         "Good fats" may be crucial for maintaining a healthy heart, and are found in oily fish - salmon and tuna, and olive oil.

     Vegetables that have good fats by eating include:

Avocados - 100 g containing 15 g fat

black olives - 100 g containing 11 g fat

9. They are Low cost

         Most healthy meals consist of protein, carbohydrates and fats. A majority of the protein is mainly meat products produced but how it compares in price and many vegetable protein?

        The economic benefits of certain plants against flesh is huge. £ 1 comparing the amount of grams bought, we see that 500 grams of lentils can be purchased for 1 500 g chickpeas (well packaged) for £ 1.15 and £. However, only slightly more than 120 grams of chicken breast (packed) can be purchased for the same amount of money.

        These three foods are rich in protein. In relation to Article 1, they bought £ however, we find that the chicken provides 30 g protein, 45 g lentils and chickpeas 95 g protein.

        The high fiber content is apparent from lentils (40g - 160% of the daily allowance) and chickpea (85g - 350% of the daily dose) with 0 grams of chicken, which not only these vegetables they offer a large monetary value, but also a great nutritional value. Many protein and fiber felt more satisfied for longer periods.