Health Benefits of Yogurt


          Yogurt can help your health in many different ways. It can really make a difference to the calcium intake. It is also an important source of protein for vegetarians with about 6 grams of protein in a bath 6 ounces of yogurt.

        If you are interested in the facts about yogurt, here's a link to the nutritional value of yogurt.A common probiotics in yogurt and acidophilus is the bacterium has many proven benefits.

Benefits yogurt

         Yogurt has helped a number of women who have a yeast infection. I will be in front - does not help everyone, but it is shown to help some women. Test. Check this out for help on how the yogurt to get there.

         The benefits extend yoghurt drink during and after treatment with antibiotics. Research shows that yogurt can help with diarrhea with antibiotics and even the Mayo Clinic suggests eating yogurt during processing. It should be useful to establish a brand of yogurt with live bacteria.

         It is hard to imagine that someone who has not heard of the benefits of yogurt for health.

        It is full of lactic acid bacteria - which is a good thing - and in various studies on yogurt consumption showed that:

       It gives better absorption of potassium, B2, B12, calcium, magnesium and zinc1.

       It is reduce associated with lower levels of triglycerides, circulating glucose and systolic blood pressure, and insulin resistance.

      Supports the immune system (solid evidence on the basis of animals).Reduces heartburn.

      The intake of low fat dairy products helped with high blood pressure in elderly people with high cardiovascular risk, suggesting a possible protective effect against hypertension.

       Support stronger bones. ionized calcium yogurt and acidic pH helps absorption.

       The issue of inflammatory bowel disease.

       Helps infection Plori h - Two probioitcs inproved successful treatment for H. pylori infection in a medical study. Animal studies have shown that probiotic yoghurt have an inhibitory effect on H. pylori.

       Help with lactose intolerance.

        It helps constipation.

       Antibiotic-associated diarrhea.

       Animal studies have shown that yogurt must tumor grades could help prevent colon cancer.

       It can help in the diet as a study showed that, compared with appetizers, such as a milk drink flavored with peach or peach juice, yogurt, fish leads to a greater sense of satiety. In the study of this but it is up to patients who consumed less at the next meal.

      It can help with obesity-associated power Western.

       It is an excellent source of protein, calcium and phosphorus.

       The secret of a good yogurt contains live cultures is that there are four main strains of bacteria L. acidophilus, L. bulgaricus, S. thermophilus and Bifidobacterium. There are good brands of yogurt available Check the label to make sure that you specify active cultures. It is always better to buy yogurt and add fruit or jam just before eating. Frozen yogurt is not the same product and do not give the same health benefits; even if specified live cultures, is only a fraction of beneficial bacteria in yogurt, and they will not improve lactose tolerance.

       Have you experienced the irritating vaginal itching, usually accompanied by a download? As women can achieve growth of fungi in our vaginas. Living with HIV makes even more vulnerable to this type of infection women. Taking antibiotics has the undesirable effect of removing the normal flora in the body. Antibiotics or antifungals (just a different type of antibiotic) tips the balance of good and bad yeast. Candida grow in abundance when other bacteria and yeasts are exhausted.

      Candida is trying to solve the problem of imbalance. It is vital for a healthy diet with a variety of foods that contain bacteria and natural yeasts to maintain. * Yogurt is one such food. It can be used both internally and externally, and is an excellent substitute for our well-vaginal yeast and intestinal flora. If you have ever used applicators to store antifungals insert into her vagina - which can be filled with yogurt instead!