Let's Heal Your Heels

           The use of slippers and bare feet can be one of your favorite things about the weather in the summer, but, unfortunately, can damage the skin of the feet. Constant exposure to dry air in their delicate skin, creating calluses. The pressure to beat your feet on the ground during walking or running annoy the problem and heel cracks in the skin causes. If you continue walking or running, can tear distributed and deeper, which can lead to bleeding and infection. In addition to not look the best, but they are also very painful.

Causes of Cracked Heels

           In some cases, a person's skin dry, of course, increases the risk of cracked heels. Insensitive formed around the heel is susceptible to cracking due to mechanical factors that increase pressure in this area, such as the way a person walks.

Other factors that may play a role in causing cracked heels:

Prolonged standing at work or at home, especially on hard floors.

Overweight - increased pressure on the normal fat pad under the heel, allowing the development of on the side. If the skin soft and flexible, can crack the pressure on the skin.

Reopened in shoes. This may increase the fat under the heel side and pressure can crack the skin.

Some medical conditions cause the skin for example, put the dry and cracked diabetes or hypothyroidism.

Skin disorders such as psoriasis and eczema.

 What you Can do to Heal Cracked Heels 

           To rip your heel, you need to get rid of dry skin on the feet. If you go to the beach, you can remove dry skin naturally by walking barefoot along the shore of the wet sand. Try this home spa treatment: bedtime, soak your feet in warm water for 15 to 20 minutes. rub your heels and other dry areas with a pumice stone, make poor areas do not irritate. Dead skin cells are gently removed, revealing smoother skin. If you have small cracks, not to irritate these areas. Rinse your feet dry, then liberally apply the cream, foot cream, body lotion or other thick moisturizer. Put on a pair of socks, and awaken to the happy feet. Repeat this process until all had cracks.

         If none of these drugs because the skin on your feet is extremely dry or have a large tear, make an appointment with a podiatrist. Your doctor can help get rid of the hard and dry skin on your feet so that your taste buds can heal. If you are an avid runner and suffering a deep crack the heel, beating their feet to make it worse, so bring hiking up is his chapped skin under control.

          To avoid the first heel cracks, wear shoes that cover the feet to help keep the skin moist (yes, even in summer). Drink plenty of water throughout the day to help hydrate your body from the inside. And if you live in a dry, use a humidifier in your home to moisten the air. Continue to use a pumice stone in the shower a few times a week, and do not forget to moisturize your feet every day.