Sore Throat, Causes and Treatments

                 Sore throat is one of the most common of all health problems. The pain ranges from mild to severe, with difficulty swallowing in the most severe cases. In most cases, the sore throat. This is the result of inflammation of the throat and pharynx. This may be due to infection, or may be due to an irritant, such as paint fumes. There are many bacterial and viral infections that can cause inflammation of the throat, sometimes as the main symptom, and sometimes as only one among many different symptoms. Many of these infections are infections of the upper respiratory tract such as laryngitis and tonsillitis. Mononucleosis and diphtheria also often cause a sore throat. Usually, however, the sore throat is simply one of the most unpleasant complications of the common cold.

The Causes of Sore Throat

         The three main causes of sore throat are infections, irritants, and acid reflux, the infection is probably the most common cause.

        There are many infections of the upper respiratory tract that can cause a sore throat. Most of these infections are accompanied by many other symptoms besides a sore throat. Viral infections cause most sore throats, colds remains perhaps the biggest culprit. Flu and mononucleosis are other two most common culprits. Bacterial infections can also cause a sore throat, strep throat are among the most common. Yeast infections are very rare, but certain fungal infections (candidiasis, for example) can cause a sore throat. Infections are of course easily transmitted from one person to another, and often members around the house will fall prey to an infection in rapid succession. This is especially true for viral infections.

       Irritants and allergens: Sometimes it is not an infection that causes a sore throat, but a reaction to substances in the environment. Pollution is a common cause of sore throat ?? vehicles and industrial pollution are two examples. household irritants such as painting and cleaning solutions can also cause a sore throat when vapors are inhaled. Smoking, including secondhand smoke, is also a common irritant. overexertion vocal cords through talk, scream, shout or sing, it can also lead to a sore throat. certain types of medications are also known to irritate the throat. In some cases, the only cold air could cause a sore throat. In addition, there are many harmless substances that can cause a sore throat if a person is allergic to them. The identification of an allergen can be difficult enough ?? People can develop allergies to all sorts of things, and it is often difficult to find a clear link between a substance and an allergic reaction.

       Acid reflux: One of the causes of sore throat that is often ignored or forgotten is acid reflux. This is when stomach acid into the esophagus and possibly the throat. Generally, the acid remains out of the stomach, but in some cases due to a variety of reasons, this mechanism can not function properly. Burns ?? burning pain in the chest ?? It is a common symptom of acid reflux. However, frequent throat irritation caused by acid reflux can also lead to a sore throat.

Remedies for Sore Throat

        Since sore throat is a symptom of an underlying disease, and rarely a condition in itself, sore throat home remedies are only symptomatic treatment. Therefore, if they seem to have a serious infection, you should consult a doctor who will treat the infection itself. In the meantime, you can still use these home remedies for sore throat

        A saltwater gargle water is one of the oldest ?? and perhaps the best - remedy for a sore throat. Simply heat a glass of water, add some salt to it, gargle and spit. You need to do first thing in the morning and last thing before going to bed If you can squeeze in a couple of gargling with during the day, the better.

       Regarding the old home remedies for sore throat, mix honey and ginger is another great. Just take a small piece of ginger, crush the juice out of it, mixed with a teaspoon of honey and swallow. Some people also recommend adding a few drops lemon juice to this remedy.

      Another recipe for a cure sore throat is a mixture of honey, cider vinegar and warm water. a tablespoon of honey and vinegar in a small glass of hot water is needed. It should be consumed, not gargle.

      Chamomile is also one of the best remedies for sore throat, and is another treatment that can be repeated several times a day.

      Sometimes, drought can cause sore throat feel worse than it really is. simple remedies such as inhalation, steam can help in these cases. Inhaling steam also clear nasal passages, reducing nasopharyngitis cause or aggravate a sore throat. If you can control, avoid sleeping with your mouth open ?? This is a common cause of dry, and thus pain, throat.

     Alcohol does not dehydrate the body, but in small amounts could actually function as an effective treatment of pain in the throat. Whiskey on the rocks, of course, is discarded, but you can have a whiskey ankle straight up, or add it to a glass of warm water and drink slowly. This will not only relieve pain, but also fight the infection to some extent.

     Garlic may not be ideal for breathing, but can compensate, helping to heal a sore throat. You can take a clove of garlic and chew on it for a few hours. Chewing should be very light ?? just enough to release chemicals in garlic, not to crush it completely.

Diet in Sore Throat

     Although sore throat and other symptoms that accompany can ruin your appetite, it is important to maintain a healthy diet. At least, a bowl of chicken soup or soup of mixed vegetables. You can continue to drink hot drinks and soup during the day ?? these will be your food all at the same time calm the throat and nasal passages clean. Many fluids also keep your body hydrated and moist and lubricated throat.