Headache' Causes and Cure

       A headache is pain or discomfort in the head, scalp or neck. Most tension headache, migraine, or a combination of both. underlying causes severe headaches, such as a tumor or stroke, are extremely rare, although many people deal with these.

         Most people with headaches can feel much, much better by making lifestyle changes, including learning ways to relax, and occasionally by taking medications.

          In a world of deadlines, late at night, bad bosses, traffic jams, overcrowded sleep schedules and constantly moving - they all deal with migraine occasionally. Missing your last cup of coffee in the morning or skip lunch because a meeting is hitting the head, right? So if you have a very bad day and ends with a severe migraine, then what?

          The easy solution is, of course, to pop a painkiller, perhaps even enjoy acupressure, drinking chamomile tea. And we are willing to do almost anything to get rid of this terrible headache. Fortunately for you, we have a list of 10 natural home remedies for the pain of his debilitating headaches zap compounds. True, your search for the best cure headaches ends here.

          The following products are considered as alternative treatments or natural remedies for headache. Its effectiveness has not been scientifically tested to the same extent as in the table above drugs. However, the historical, cultural or anecdotally that their use may be for the treatment of headaches evidence.


         Ginger tea steep, or mix equal parts of ginger juice and lemon juice and drink it. You can eat once or twice a day. You can also apply a paste of ginger and 2 tablespoons water on the forehead for a few minutes to provide faster relief.

Peppermint Oil

           With its refreshing smell, peppermint helps to open blocked arteries that cause headaches. It contains menthol which is used to regulate the blood flow in the body. quiet breathing in the scent in a cool, dark place. You can also mix 3 drops of peppermint oil in a tablespoon almond oil, or just add a little water and rub along the temples or the back of his neck. Alternatively, crushed mint leaves applied on the forehead.


         Cinnamon is a miracle plant that can effectively treat headaches. Wondering how to use? Here's help: grind some cinnamon and add a little water to make a thick paste. Apply to the forehead and temples and lie down for 30 minutes. then wash with warm water.


        You can get 3 or 4 fresh basil leaves in a cup of boiling water and simmer. Add a little honey and drink the tea slowly. You can also chew fresh basil or inhale steam after cooking basil in a pot of water.