Let's Heal Your Heels

           The use of slippers and bare feet can be one of your favorite things about the weather in the summer, but, unfortunately, can damage the skin of the feet. Constant exposure to dry air in their delicate skin, creating calluses. The pressure to beat your feet on the ground during walking or running annoy the problem and heel cracks in the skin causes. If you continue walking or running, can tear distributed and deeper, which can lead to bleeding and infection. In addition to not look the best, but they are also very painful.

Causes of Cracked Heels

           In some cases, a person's skin dry, of course, increases the risk of cracked heels. Insensitive formed around the heel is susceptible to cracking due to mechanical factors that increase pressure in this area, such as the way a person walks.

Other factors that may play a role in causing cracked heels:

Prolonged standing at work or at home, especially on hard floors.

Overweight - increased pressure on the normal fat pad under the heel, allowing the development of on the side. If the skin soft and flexible, can crack the pressure on the skin.

Reopened in shoes. This may increase the fat under the heel side and pressure can crack the skin.

Some medical conditions cause the skin for example, put the dry and cracked diabetes or hypothyroidism.

Skin disorders such as psoriasis and eczema.

 What you Can do to Heal Cracked Heels 

           To rip your heel, you need to get rid of dry skin on the feet. If you go to the beach, you can remove dry skin naturally by walking barefoot along the shore of the wet sand. Try this home spa treatment: bedtime, soak your feet in warm water for 15 to 20 minutes. rub your heels and other dry areas with a pumice stone, make poor areas do not irritate. Dead skin cells are gently removed, revealing smoother skin. If you have small cracks, not to irritate these areas. Rinse your feet dry, then liberally apply the cream, foot cream, body lotion or other thick moisturizer. Put on a pair of socks, and awaken to the happy feet. Repeat this process until all had cracks.

         If none of these drugs because the skin on your feet is extremely dry or have a large tear, make an appointment with a podiatrist. Your doctor can help get rid of the hard and dry skin on your feet so that your taste buds can heal. If you are an avid runner and suffering a deep crack the heel, beating their feet to make it worse, so bring hiking up is his chapped skin under control.

          To avoid the first heel cracks, wear shoes that cover the feet to help keep the skin moist (yes, even in summer). Drink plenty of water throughout the day to help hydrate your body from the inside. And if you live in a dry, use a humidifier in your home to moisten the air. Continue to use a pumice stone in the shower a few times a week, and do not forget to moisturize your feet every day.

Sore Throat, Causes and Treatments

                 Sore throat is one of the most common of all health problems. The pain ranges from mild to severe, with difficulty swallowing in the most severe cases. In most cases, the sore throat. This is the result of inflammation of the throat and pharynx. This may be due to infection, or may be due to an irritant, such as paint fumes. There are many bacterial and viral infections that can cause inflammation of the throat, sometimes as the main symptom, and sometimes as only one among many different symptoms. Many of these infections are infections of the upper respiratory tract such as laryngitis and tonsillitis. Mononucleosis and diphtheria also often cause a sore throat. Usually, however, the sore throat is simply one of the most unpleasant complications of the common cold.

The Causes of Sore Throat

         The three main causes of sore throat are infections, irritants, and acid reflux, the infection is probably the most common cause.

        There are many infections of the upper respiratory tract that can cause a sore throat. Most of these infections are accompanied by many other symptoms besides a sore throat. Viral infections cause most sore throats, colds remains perhaps the biggest culprit. Flu and mononucleosis are other two most common culprits. Bacterial infections can also cause a sore throat, strep throat are among the most common. Yeast infections are very rare, but certain fungal infections (candidiasis, for example) can cause a sore throat. Infections are of course easily transmitted from one person to another, and often members around the house will fall prey to an infection in rapid succession. This is especially true for viral infections.

       Irritants and allergens: Sometimes it is not an infection that causes a sore throat, but a reaction to substances in the environment. Pollution is a common cause of sore throat ?? vehicles and industrial pollution are two examples. household irritants such as painting and cleaning solutions can also cause a sore throat when vapors are inhaled. Smoking, including secondhand smoke, is also a common irritant. overexertion vocal cords through talk, scream, shout or sing, it can also lead to a sore throat. certain types of medications are also known to irritate the throat. In some cases, the only cold air could cause a sore throat. In addition, there are many harmless substances that can cause a sore throat if a person is allergic to them. The identification of an allergen can be difficult enough ?? People can develop allergies to all sorts of things, and it is often difficult to find a clear link between a substance and an allergic reaction.

       Acid reflux: One of the causes of sore throat that is often ignored or forgotten is acid reflux. This is when stomach acid into the esophagus and possibly the throat. Generally, the acid remains out of the stomach, but in some cases due to a variety of reasons, this mechanism can not function properly. Burns ?? burning pain in the chest ?? It is a common symptom of acid reflux. However, frequent throat irritation caused by acid reflux can also lead to a sore throat.

Remedies for Sore Throat

        Since sore throat is a symptom of an underlying disease, and rarely a condition in itself, sore throat home remedies are only symptomatic treatment. Therefore, if they seem to have a serious infection, you should consult a doctor who will treat the infection itself. In the meantime, you can still use these home remedies for sore throat

        A saltwater gargle water is one of the oldest ?? and perhaps the best - remedy for a sore throat. Simply heat a glass of water, add some salt to it, gargle and spit. You need to do first thing in the morning and last thing before going to bed If you can squeeze in a couple of gargling with during the day, the better.

       Regarding the old home remedies for sore throat, mix honey and ginger is another great. Just take a small piece of ginger, crush the juice out of it, mixed with a teaspoon of honey and swallow. Some people also recommend adding a few drops lemon juice to this remedy.

      Another recipe for a cure sore throat is a mixture of honey, cider vinegar and warm water. a tablespoon of honey and vinegar in a small glass of hot water is needed. It should be consumed, not gargle.

      Chamomile is also one of the best remedies for sore throat, and is another treatment that can be repeated several times a day.

      Sometimes, drought can cause sore throat feel worse than it really is. simple remedies such as inhalation, steam can help in these cases. Inhaling steam also clear nasal passages, reducing nasopharyngitis cause or aggravate a sore throat. If you can control, avoid sleeping with your mouth open ?? This is a common cause of dry, and thus pain, throat.

     Alcohol does not dehydrate the body, but in small amounts could actually function as an effective treatment of pain in the throat. Whiskey on the rocks, of course, is discarded, but you can have a whiskey ankle straight up, or add it to a glass of warm water and drink slowly. This will not only relieve pain, but also fight the infection to some extent.

     Garlic may not be ideal for breathing, but can compensate, helping to heal a sore throat. You can take a clove of garlic and chew on it for a few hours. Chewing should be very light ?? just enough to release chemicals in garlic, not to crush it completely.

Diet in Sore Throat

     Although sore throat and other symptoms that accompany can ruin your appetite, it is important to maintain a healthy diet. At least, a bowl of chicken soup or soup of mixed vegetables. You can continue to drink hot drinks and soup during the day ?? these will be your food all at the same time calm the throat and nasal passages clean. Many fluids also keep your body hydrated and moist and lubricated throat. 

Lemon' A Wondrous Treatment for Acne

          Acne is an inflammatory skin disease caused by an excessive accumulation of oil in the sebaceous glands. 

         The glands become clogged and then infected causing acne, particularly on the face and other body parts. Lemon is a popular natural remedy for acne and cheap. It smells good and has many additional benefits.

With the Help of Lemon to Treat Acne

        Lemon can be applied in many ways to effectively treat acne. Always use a juicy lemon to treat acne, because it contains all the essential features, powerful.

1. Lemon Overnight

        Lemon acts as a natural bleaching agent that removes blemishes and acne scars. It contains citric acid, which kills bacteria. The juice has a low pH value, the skin of dead skin cells and naturally control excess fat in the skin. Lemon is an exfoliant that removes dead skin cells and prevents clogged pores, relieve cystic acne.

* Wash your face with warm water and mild soap.

* Apply fresh lemon juice on the affected area with a cotton ball.

* Late at night.

* Rinse with cold water the next morning, dry towel.

* Repeat every night for best results.

2. The Lemon and Rosewater

        Rose water contains natural antibacterial properties. It also relieves the skin and reduces nature lemon acid.

Wash your face with warm water and mild soap.

Mix equal parts of fresh lemon juice and rose water.

* Apply the mixture on the affected area with a cotton ball.

* Leave for 15-30 minutes.

Rinse with cold water and dry with a towel.

* Repeat 1-2 times a day for best results.

 Note: Add the cucumber juice to the mix, or use apple cider vinegar, aloe vera, honey, olive oil, tree oil tea, green tea and lavender oil.

3. Lemon and Yogurt

       Yogurt has a calming effect on inflammation.

Wash your face with warm water and mild soap.

Mix two parts fresh lemon juice and a serving of yogurt.

*Apply the mixture on the affected area with a cotton ball.

* Leave for 15-20 minutes.

* Rinse with cold water and dry with a towel.

* Repeat frequently to get rid of acne.

4. Lemon and Milk

Mix fresh lemon juice and a cup of milk.

*Wash your face with this mixture daily.

5. Lemon and Sea Salt

        Wash your face with a non-exfoliating cleanser.

* Mix one teaspoon of fresh lemon juice and enough salt to make a paste.

* Gently rub the affected area for 30-45 seconds, depending on the sensitivity of the skin area.

* Leave for 5-10 minutes.

* Use a warm damp cloth to remove the bushes.

* Repeat 1-2 times a week to prevent acne.

6. Lemon and Baking

        Sodium bicarbonate contains anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties balance of the skin pH. The remedy exfoliates the skin gently, while dead cells from the skin clear.

* Mix one teaspoon of fresh lemon juice and a teaspoon of baking soda.

* Gently rub the affected area with the mixture.

* Rinse with warm water and dry with a towel.

* Repeat 2-3 times a week for best results.

Note: You can also use the chickpea powder.

7. Lemon and Cinnamon

         Cinnamon acts as an antioxidant, to kill harmful bacteria that cause acne.

* Mix 2 teaspoons of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder.

* Apply the paste on the affected area with a cotton ball.

* Leave for 15-20 minutes, or overnight if desired.

* Rinse with warm water and dry with a towel.

* Repeat regularly for best results.

Note: This process ensures that a small burning sensation while killing bacteria.

8. Lemon and Aspirin Juice


         Aspirin has anti-inflammatory properties and contains salicylic acid, which kills bacteria in the pores of the skin and reduces redness.

* Dissolve aspirin 6 uncoated pills fresh lemon juice and mix to a paste.

* Apply the paste on the affected area as a mask.

* Leave for 10-15 minutes.

* Rinsing with a sodium hydroxide and water solution.

* Rinse again with warm water and dry with a towel.

* Repeat frequently to cure acne.

9. Lemon and Chickpeas

        Add one tablespoon of chickpea powder freshly squeezed lemon juice.

* Mix well to make a fine paste.

* Apply this to the affected area.Leave for several minutes.

* Wash your face with warm water and dry with a clean towel.

* Moisturizer.Repeat Apply once or twice to prevent acne.

Note: You can also use milk or water to make a paste.

10. Lemon Toner

        Toner lemon acts as a cleanser, softens the skin and heals outbreaks by killing bacteria.

* Mix 1/4 cup of pure lemon juice and 1/4 cup of water in a glass container.

* Keep it in the refrigerator for a month.

* Regularly apply on the affected area to get the best results area.

11. Lemon Peel

         Lemon peels are a natural clarifying the skin which corresponds to the color of the skin. Citric acid dissolved dead cells of the skin and promotes the growth of new skin cells.

* Lemon peel in the sun dried for 30 minutes.

* When dried, ground into a fine powder and add water to make a paste.

* Apply in sensitive or acne scars affected area.

* Leave for 5-7 minutes.

* Rinse with warm water and dry with a towel.

* Repeat 1-2 times a week for best results.

12. Lemon and Sugar Scrub

        Sugar exfoliant removing dead skin cells and unclog pores, causing acne.

* Mix fresh lemon juice and a tablespoon of brown sugar.

* Wash your face with warm water and mild soap.

* Use a cotton ball to gently massage the affected area with the mixture.

* Rinse with warm water and dry with a towel.

* Apply toner and moisturizer.

* Repeat regularly for best results.

Health Benefits of Mint

         The use of money for medicinal purposes dates back thousands of years. According to Greek mythology, mint became when Persephone became the wife of Hades, jealous of her husband's relationship with Minthe river nymph.

       In his jealous rage, Persephone Mint became a humble plant. Hades that strength to turn his back is not, all he could offer was a sweet smell, our aromatic plants we know today.

       While the story of how it came to be popular herb can not buy, you can not deny the medicinal properties of this plant. In addition to the obvious benefits for oral care, mint offers a number of health benefits. Look at some of our favorites below!

Stomach Ache,

       If you have stomach ache, cramps or other muscle cramps in the region, the Mint is a great ally to mitigate the problem. Although the best way to use it is in a hot tea, then you can chew.

Phlegmy Cough 

       Due to its antiseptic and expectorant properties, it works effectively to relieve cough and phlegm as significantly improve the patient's condition. When confronted with a cold, mint is certainly a very useful medicinal plant.

Rheumatic Diseases

      Peppermint oil is often used in patients with rheumatic problems for pain relief. The right way is to apply the dilution few drops of water with a lower alcohol containing directly with a cloth.

Sore Throat

       As a result of a cold or allergies, you have a sore throat, mint tea will be very useful as it will help relieve discomfort and help you recover faster.

Kidney Stones.

       In addition, mint is a very effective herb kidney stones. Mint has many properties to add them to your list of herbs and depend on your calls when your health!

Allergy Relief

       Mint leaf extracts have been shown to release histamine, which turn often severe nasal symptoms associated with hay fever and seasonal allergies inhibit. has also been shown that peppermint extracts to help relieve the symptoms of allergic rhinitis

Weight Loss

      Mint stimulates dietary nutrients and digestive enzymes consume the fat and convert it into usable energy.1 So by adding mint to your diet, you increase the amount of fat consumed and put into use, rather than being stored and contribute to weight gain!

Fights Depression and Fatigue

       Mint is a stimulant, and if inhaled, can give a healthy energy burst. It has also been shown to revitalize and promote better mental health in general, the fight against depression and anxiety.

Headache, Migraine

      If a person is weak and fails to frequently pasta mint leaves and wrapped in a fine silk or cotton. Do breathe the strong smell of the room on this wrapped canvas. This should be done three times a day, five minutes each time. There will be frequent fainting and pain clear head, migraine, etc.

Take Care of your Dry Skin

           Dry skin, also called xerosis, is a common problem in modern society, allowing people of all ages, including babies. In the United States, most cases of dry skin bonded to one or more of the following factors:

           Decreased production of sebum - This is often a factor in the elderly, the number and activity of the sebaceous glands in the skin tends to decrease with age.

          The loss of existing sebum - This is usually caused by the behavior as excessive showering or bathing, excessive washing of the skin during washing or harsh soaps that dissolve the protective layer of sebum. In some cases, the result is a dry skin all over the body, especially at high athletes to shower several times a day. In other cases, dry skin affects only hands - for example, health workers, food handling, cleaning the house, housewives, mothers with children in diapers and others who frequently wash their hands.

        The environmental conditions that increase water loss - extreme circumstances, the natural protective barrier of the skin, causing the water to evaporate wicker. This is important for dry skin among people living in desert climates bathed by the sun, especially in areas of the southwestern United States right. dry indoor air can also lead to dry skin and "winter itch" in the northern United States, especially among people who use heating systems forced air. Among outdoor enthusiasts, you can evaporate frequent exposure to sun and wind water from the skin, making the surface will pique and dry. Even swimmers can get dry skin because the chemical composition of the pool water actually draws moisture away from the skin.

       Dry skin is a common problem in people with diabetes or skin allergies (atopic dermatitis). Less commonly, it can also be a symptom of hypothyroidism, kidney failure, or Sjögren's syndrome. In addition, dry skin sometimes occurs as a side effect of a drug, especially acne products applied to the skin.


      Sometimes the only symptom of dry skin is itching, although most people also find that their skin is flaky and slightly more wrinkled than usual. The symptoms of dry skin can worsen during the winter months, especially if you have a lot of time indoors, where the air is dry and hot.


       In most cases a simple dry skin, can make the diagnosis itself. Start by examining your normal routine of skin care. How often a long bath or hot showers that may be washing the protective skin sebum taken? What shower several times a day or rub the surface of the skin with harsh soaps? Do you have a job that requires frequent hand washing?

        Then examine the risk factors of the environment, both indoors and outdoors. You live in a dry desert climate? Spend your winter months usually inside heated rooms without a humidifier? If you go outside, protect your skin with proper clothing or sunscreen on exposed surfaces? When was the last time you use a moisturizer?

Natural Remedies for Dry Skin


       Using moisturizer for dry skin creates a seal that prevents moisture can escape. Try a moisturizing base oil, such as baby oil for extremely dry skin cream, because it lasts longer than other types of moisturizers. Natural oils such as avocado, jojoba and almonds, also help moisturize dry skin. For best results, apply oil on your skin immediately after bathing. Dry your skin with a towel, but allow some moisture remains on the surface. Apply liberally oil, trapping moisture and prevent your skin from drying out too quickly.

Sea ​​Salt:

      Sea salt can moisturize dry skin when used in a bath or salt scrub. In the book home remedies: 1,801 reliable cures for health problems every day, "Reader's Digest suggests that a cup of sea salt is added to a bath of warm water and soak for at least 20 minutes nourish extremely dry skin. mix 1 cup coarse salt 1/4 cup vegetable glycerin to create a scrub for dry skin nourishing salt. Rub the mixture on the skin in a circular motion and rinse with warm water. Follow with a moisturizer based oil for best results. Do not use salt if the wounds open, but if you feel a burning sensation and pain.

Aloe Vera Gel:

       Aloe vera gel has a soothing, healing and moisturizing when used topically in extremely dry skin, according to Phyllis A. Balch in "Prescription for Nutritional Healing." It works especially well in flaky skin as it gently sloughs off the top layer of dead skin cells. Apply a thin layer of gel 100 percent pure aloe vera on the affected areas. if your skin absorbs the gel, no need to rinse. If the gel stays on your skin after about 20 minutes, however, rinse with warm water. Repeat this process once or twice daily, or simply replacing the regular moisturizer with aloe gel.


        Honey strengthens, softens and moisturizes dry skin. Brigitte Mars, author of "Beauty in nature," suggests using pure honey directly on extremely dry skin, and the area of ​​a light finger pressure for about 2 minutes. This increases site traffic, and encourages deep hydration. Rinse with warm water and then apply moisturizer. Repeat the process to help at least once a day honey soothe dry skin.

How to Eliminate Stress from Your Life

 You often see articles on how to relax after a stressful day, I always find useful, but for me the most important advice would be to go to the source of the problem and reduce the stress on even before it happens.

Through careful editing of his life, and changing certain habits, we can eliminate most (not all) sources of stress in your life.

I do not think a stress-free life is possible. Stress is a response to the challenges of life and a life without challenges is too boring to contemplate. However, I think most of the stress in our lives is unnecessary and can be avoided by taking some (and some not so easy) easy steps. You can not just do it - I was eliminating stress in my life for a while now, and I'm not done yet. But I think it's a worthy goal.

First, let's take a look at an example - it's a little extreme, but it is an example of a typical stressors in people's lives. Let's say Fred gets up in the morning, waking up too late, and now must turn to prepare. It's so rushed that coffee spilled on his shirt and must change, a nicks himself shaving. He goes to the door and then go back into the house because he forgot his wallet. He climbs into the car and realizes he forgot his keys.

It is now in the way the work is in the middle of traffic at peak times - and temperament begins to light after someone interrupts. There people honking, cursing, and arrives late for work and cranky. He cries out for someone and is surly all morning. His desk is covered with stacks of paper, and he can not find the report you need to work. Your inbox is full and email notification of fate, and see that you respond 36 messages. He knows he is behind both projects and his boss is not happy. He must complete five tasks before the 11 am meeting and all meetings all afternoon.

You get the idea. Your day is not going well, and takes the road back during rush hour on the road. He comes home late, exhausted, completely stressed out, his mind still in the end and not unfinished projects, his inbox and always full inbox email, and all the things that build you need to work on morning. The house is a mess and it fits in your family. Her children are not put things away exactly where he told them to keep, he starts yelling at them. He has a quick dinner before television and fatty areas before going to sleep later.

Again, this is a bit extreme, but you can see through this illustration some of the things that focus on people. There are many more, of course, and I will not cover all here. However, these stressors can be eliminated with a little thought. Here's how:

Identify stressors. This is the most important step of all, identify the things that cause you stress in your life is to abolish the first step in the direction. Take 10 minutes to think about what comes out during the day. What weekly events that cause stress? What people, activities, things cause stress in your life? Make a list of 10, and to see who can be eliminated from them, and start eliminating from the outside. For those who do not find ways to make them less burdensome.

Remove unnecessary obligations. I have a post on editing your commitments before ... these concepts apply here. We all have many commitments in our life, starting with work but also including commitments related to kids, our spouses, which can be done at home, other family members, civilian side, religious, recreation, activities online and much Lake. Consider each of them, the amount of stress they provide, and the value you get from them. Edit brutally, and take steps now to take this path because you the most stress.

Delay. We all, of course. But things will stack our stressed. Find ways to take care of things now (form a habit now) and keep your desktop clean inbox. See 20 Procrastination Hacks for more ideas.

Disorganization. We are all disorganized to a certain extent. Even when we organize something, and created a great system to keep it, things tend to move towards chaos over time. But disorganization stresses us in terms of visual clutter, and it's hard to do things that we need. Take time to do things organized in your life, from his desk and papers at home and move to other areas.

'In the afternoon. Delays we have always said. We must fight for hand, rushing to get there, and stress all the time looking bad and too late. Learn the habit early on, and disappears tension. Make a conscious effort to start preparing for, and leave early. This also makes it less stressful driving. Time to see how long you have to prepare really for, and the time needed to actually go somewhere. What we underestimated nowadays. Once you know these times, you're going backwards so that you show up 10 minutes earlier each time. It's a good feeling.

Controller. We are not the master of this universe. I know sometimes we like, but pretending we are is a sure way to get stressed. Trying to control situations and people can not work, and only serves to increase our anxiety when it does not. Learn to let go and accept how others do things, and accept what happens in different situations. The only thing you can control is yourself - work on that before thinking about trying to control the world. You also learn to separate the tasks and delegate. Learn to let go of our need to get under control others and the situations around us is a major step towards eliminating stress step.

Multitasking. With multiple ongoing tasks at the same time they can seem productive, but we really slows down to focus on a task and finish - and we emphasize that the interval. Get into one job.

Eliminate leaking energy. If your life (in Step 1) were analyzed and found things that cause you stress, you also noticed things that drain your energy. Some things in life that make us more exhausted than others, with less value. Identify them and cut them. You will have much more energy and less stress. Happiness occurs.

Avoid difficult people. You know who they are. If you take the time to think about it, you can identify all the people in your life - bosses, colleagues, clients, friends, family, etc. - that complicate life. Now you can confront and fight with them, but it will certainly be difficult. The scholarship that cut his life.

Simplifying life. Simplify, of course, is a major theme of Zen Habits. Simplify your routines, your commitments, your information intake, your cluttered rooms, the mass of things going on in your life ... and have less stress as a result. Start with Edit Your Life and then look through the other simplicity articles.

Deprogramming. Create more open periods in your life. No need to schedule every minute of our lives. Learn to avoid meetings have blocks of time when or work on our important tasks or open process small batches. If someone asks to schedule a meeting, first try to do this by e-mail or phone ... if that does not work, ensure that program. Ask them to call and see if you are free at that time. You will love having an open schedule.

Slow down. Instead of rushing through life, learn to take things calmly. Enjoy your food, enjoy the people around you, enjoy nature. This step alone can save lots of stress.

Help others. This can try to contradict more tasks to your life to other people (which is enough to do so) to help add seem, but if you want something to add your life, it should be. Helping others, whether volunteering for a good cause or just an exercise compassion with people you know, not only gives a very good feeling to somehow reduce your stress level. Of course, this does not work if you try to control others, or help others in a very rushed and frenetic way - learn to take it easy, enjoy, and let the things that make you different work life better.

Relax all day. It is important to take short breaks during your work day. Stop what you're doing, massage your shoulders and neck and head, hands and arms, get up and stretch, walk, drink water. Go out and enjoy the fresh air and beautiful sky. Talk to someone you love. Life does not have to be all about productivity. You should also avoid excessive use of online activities such as your de-stressing activity - to the computer to relax.

Stop working. drastically, and probably too drastic for the most part. But most likely, your work is your absolute biggest stressor. Let your 9-5, automating your income, and something you really enjoy doing find're passionate about, will create a positive life and much less stressful than. Think about it before dismissing it - there might be possibilities not taken into account here.

Exercise. This is a common advice for stress, and that's because it works ... but it's also a stress prevention method. Exercise helps relieve stress accumulation, which is a quiet time to think and relax, not least, makes you more convenient. A fitter person is better equipped to handle stress. Another important factor: unhealthy can be a major stressor (especially if you go to the hospital) can help, and exercise to prevent this.

Eat healthy. This goes along with exercise as a stress prevention method, of course. Healthier and remove an important source of stress. I also noticed that greasy food, for me, puts me in a worse mood and can contribute to stress levels immediately.

Be thankful. This may not be as obvious as some of the others, but developing an attitude of gratitude (I sound like a preacher with the rhyme!) Is a way of thinking positive, so negative thoughts out of your life, and that the tension reduced. Learn grateful for what you have to be, because the people in your life, and see it as a gift. With this kind of check flow of life, stress and happiness. That's a winning formula.

Kidney Pain Causes and Simptoms

            Kidneys are vital organs that act as a waste management system for the filtration of our body care and maintain the chemical balance of the blood. However, there are a wide variety of conditions that can cause pain in the kidneys, such as inflammation, infection and other problems that can affect the normal operation. In the following paragraphs, we will examine some of the most common causes of pain in this important institution, as well as some of the symptoms and treatment options available today:

Kidney Infection:


       Also known as pyelonephritis, this condition is caused by an upward travel urinary tract infection of the urethra. In severe cases, it can lead to an accumulation of pus around the kidneys and even death. Most cases of pyelonephritis caused by intestinal microorganisms that make their way into the urinary tract, such as E. coli and Enterococcus faecalis channels.


       Some of the most common symptoms of this disease include high fever, nausea, vomiting and nausea, abdominal pain, go to the back of the abdomen, and painful urination. In some cases, it can also lead smelly urine, blood in the urine, and / or increased frequency of urination. These symptoms occur in a relatively short period of time ranging from a few hours to a whole day.


      Pyelonephritis is treated by a physician for at least seven days of antibiotics. It is important to note that only home remedies are not effective for this disorder, and a visit to your doctor is highly recommended.

       Although most cases do not require hospitalization, it is recommended in severe cases intravenously is necessary for the delivery of antibiotics to ensure that the drug reaches the kidneys.

Kidney Stones:


      These solid deposits or crystal aggregates, also known as kidney stones are formed from minerals in the urine of a person. Are usually calcium oxalate, a compound that is the result of accumulation of dissolved minerals in the kidneys. In some cases, kidney stones may block the flow of urine and pain caused by the pressure created by the fluid in excess. According to researchers from the Mayo Clinic, people with kidney stones are more likely to develop chronic kidney disease.


       The relatively common kidney stones, and in many cases may not show symptoms for a while until one of them goes in the tube connecting the kidney and bladder, also known as the ureter connects. When this occurs, the patient may have some experience the following symptoms: pain spread in the abdomen or on the side of the abdomen, while the fluctuation of the intensity, fever, nausea, vomiting, painful urination, abnormal urine (pink, brown or red), urine smells bad or having to urinate more often than usual.


        Treatment options generally depends on the size of the stones. Most kidney stones in the urinary tract less than two days, accompanied by abundant moisture absorption. A 4 mm stone has a chance of passage and greater than 80% stone 9 mm rarely pass without further processing. In some cases, anti-inflammatory drugs and drugs are used to control the pain associated with the process.

        A procedure called lithotripsy is often used when a stone is too large to pass himself. Lithotripsy is used ultrasonic shock waves to break up kidney stones into small pieces that can be transmitted through the urinary tract. In some cases, the absence of all above variants are available or not, surgery may be required. This can be done by passing a ureteroscope through the urethra and bladder, ureter in the removal of kidney stones in question.

Polycystic kidney disease:


       It is a genetic disease characterized by the growth of numerous cysts in the kidneys, leading to an increase in the volume of the affected organ, causing pain. You can learn more about this condition here.


       Although there are many patients who do not develop symptoms for years of service; Some of the most common symptoms of this condition include headache, drowsiness, high blood pressure, pain in the side of the abdomen or back, swelling of the abdomen, frequent urination, joint pain , blood in urine, urinary tract infections, kidney stones and kidney infections.


      In this case, the goal is to control symptoms and further complications. As the disease worsens over time, and kidney failure led to the final stage is usually control high blood pressure is considered the most important aspect. Some of the elements that often treatment: diuretics, antihypertensives, low-salt diet and antibiotics if there is a urinary tract infection.

Kidney cancer:


      This is a rare form of cancer that accounts for about 2% of all cancer cases. If kidney tumor grows, it pushes the nerves throughout the body that can cause pain, among other symptoms.


      Although there is a wide variety of symptoms which may be associated with renal cancer, the search for blood in the urine, it is one of the most common symptoms of this condition. Some other common symptoms may include loss of appetite, weight loss, fever, persistent abdominal pain and a general feeling of fatigue.


     Most use cases of kidney cancer surgery as an initial treatment option to remove a kidney tumor (known as breast-conserving surgery) or to completely remove the affected kidney (nephrectomy an action). Other treatment alternatives that may be considered during an operation can not be viable to heat cancer cells (known as radiofrequency ablation) freezing, treatment of cancer cells (called cryo) treatment, and agents acting on the immune system to fight against cancer and radiation.

       Finally, there are several possible causes of kidney pain, and each state has a set of symptoms and treatment options must be handled carefully according to each case. When kidney pain is present, it is important to consult a doctor for a thorough medical examination to complications.

The Secrets To Healthy Weight Gain

Are very important in losing weight in today's culture, it is easy for people to forget that a lot of people out there who are trying to lose weight is not.
There are several different reasons why someone may be trying to gain weight. Many, for example, can be under weight by medical problems such as hormonal problems or digestive disorders.
Others have fast metabolism and have certain natural, to the point that they feel uneasy about their weight.
Use one of the few athletes who are looking to pack on the pounds to look more muscular. Regardless of your reasons for gaining weight, you have to pay attention to your diet to gain weight in a healthy way.
The key to weight gain is healthy in more calories per day than you consume. The number of calories you burn during the day will depend on a variety of factors.
If you are an athlete, you burn more calories than those who lead a sedentary existence. Physically demanding job also leads to more calories.
Through daily

When you factor in your activity level, use the following tips to guide you through the challenges of increasing weight in a healthy following.

1) Eat a diet rich in fat, particularly derived from fish, nuts and avocados. Avoid calorie 'food' high in fat, add muscle to your frame. You should also make sure you eat adequate amounts of protein and whole grains.

2) the use of vitamins and minerals every day.

3) exercise, especially strength training. Strength training helps your muscle mass, which helps to create a complete picture of you.

4) Try to eat 5-6 small meals a day, please provide your body with high-density and high-energy food that you energetic throughout the day.

The important thing to remember is that it is possible to gain weight in a healthy way. Remember, above all, stay away from foods that are highly processed.

Health Benefits of Banana

        Many parents encourage their children to eat bananas every day ...

       But did you know that there is a strong scientific reasons why it's a good idea? It is not enough, a stupid thing eccentric parents. (Contrary to say goodbye in a telephone interview, keep talking. This is a quirk of the parents who never scientifically, never explain.)

As it stands, eating a banana every day be great for you, and here are 9 reasons.

1. You should try to eat a banana when you are stressed.

They check your blood pressure, give you energy, regulate digestion and contain tryptophan, which can help you relax.

2. Believe it or not, bananas can help cool.

Bananas are an astringent food. This means that they can contract the tissue, thus more water is absorbed. (Grapes and beans are also astringent foods.)

3. Bananas naturally prevent / treat heartburn.

While experts are not sure why, bananas can act as a natural antacid (and certainly better than the chalky tablets).

4. banana fiber can help constipation.

I approved? Eat bananas. They are an excellent source of dietary fiber, the fiber you need to remove successfully. They also contain pectin, which some of the things you can ease into your system.

5. Bananas can help lower blood pressure.

Because bananas are a source of potassium, eating can help lower blood pressure.

6. They are a great source of energy.

Eat a banana before training can give you energy. They are a source of tyrosine, vitamin B6, and natural sugars, all of which help to give a wave of pep.

7. When you have anemia, you should eat bananas.

Anemia, which is essentially a shortage of hemoglobin, is a common disorder of the blood. It can make you feel tired (among others). To help your body anémico you bananas, which can eat a source of iron.

8. Bananas are good to eat if you have an ulcer.

There is something known as a "sitoindoside" dry green bananas can help the mucus in the digestive tract. Moco ulcers which can serve as a protective layer which can prevent and cure. Not only that, but also bananas can promote cell growth in the gastro-intestinal tract. Actually, if you have stomach problems, eat bananas!

9. You can regulate menstrual bleeding and dealing with PCOS.

According to Ayurveda, the cooked food of a cup banana flowers with yogurt can increase in the body's level of progesterone and the prevention of excessive menstrual bleeding. It is also believed that the banana flowers to women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

A Breath of Fresh Air

            Have you noticed differences in how it feels to be inside, on the beach, in the woods or in urban areas contaminated, or do your workout inside or outside? What makes the difference? Let's talk.

       We spend so much time at home and sit all day makes us unhealthy. The lack of fresh air, sunlight and physical activity affects our well-being. According to the World Health Organization, which increases the chances of depression, obesity and cardiovascular disease is a very serious those responsible for public health warning.

         Fresh sea, mountain and forest air have a positive effect on our health for its healing properties. There are many health benefits scientifically proven fresh air as clean lungs, lifting the mood, relieve stress, reduce anxiety and depression, strengthens the immune system, improve sleep and heart rate, increase levels energy, lower blood pressure and levels of cortisol, improving disease conditions, and the fight against cancer. Fresh air is vital for people in urban areas where the air is heavily polluted life.

        Sea ​​air containing ozone, a lot of minerals and trace elements such as iodine, selenium, magnesium, bromine track. People living on the coast, feel healthier compared to those who are far from the coast. Travelers to beach destinations experiencing the positive effects of the marine environment as well. The sea air is extremely beneficial for people suffering from a metabolic disease, respiratory diseases and functional disorders of the nervous system.

        Several scientific studies have positive effect on human well-being in an environment rich in oxygen and the compound shown with nature. People like a park or forest because of the quiet atmosphere, feel the freshness in the air, birds can, plants, trees, see the spring flowers in bloom and beautiful fall colored leaves. In addition, studies have shown that, while the green can reduce stress.

       Walking in the woods is a popular activity in Japan. Shinrin-Yoku forest or swimming are not new to the Japanese. Li Qing, associate professor of public health and hygiene teacher, president of the Japanese Society of Medicine Selva, is a world leader Shinrin Yoku. In 1982 the concept of forest bath that includes management and stress relaxation activities has become Japan and South Korea are introduced. Richard Ryan, professor of psychology at the University of Rochester, emphasizes the importance of connecting with nature and states that "may be one of the pathways to health spending more time in nature."

       Climatoterapia is convenient to use the climatic and meteorological for the treatment of disease or improvement of health conditions. People move specific to spend time in the salubrious climate with the sea air, cool forest or mountain geographic locations. Climatotherapy is an alternative medicine high positive results on human health, without the risk of side effects. Aerotherapy take an air bath or climate therapy treatment and is recognized as a medical practice many diseases in several European countries.

         Enjoy the outdoors and connect with nature as much as possible! Enjoy the beauty and tranquility of the natural environment. Walking or playing active games on the beach, walking or cycling through the green trails, mountain climbing, or just gardening. On leaving nature to do your workout in the fresh air instead of inside, because it will help cleanse your body from the lungs and stress. Deep breathing fresh air provide more oxygen in the blood. In addition to all the above benefits of outdoor training, but also they offer the advantage of being free. Your training will be more energy due to wind, terrain and altitude. In addition, sand creates more resistance than when driving on paved roads. Kill two birds with one stone by combining their time in a natural environment and exercise there.


1. 20% of the oxygen we breathe is used by the brain functioning. Increasing the amount of fresh air that can give more clarity to the brain, promoting optimum performance while helping to think, concentrate and focus better.

2. Serotonin release is influenced by the amount of oxygen that has in his blood. Serotonin promotes a sense of happiness and well-being as the coldest air will greatly improve your mood. This is often why it is better, more relaxed and more rested after feeling out!

3. Fresh air is good for the lungs. When you sit inside, it is common shallow breathing, breathing air at the top of their lungs, known as the apical breathing name. Outside, moving, walking or jogging promotes increased diaphragmatic breathing, allowing you to breathe more deeply, drawing more air deep into the bottom of the lungs. This not only carries oxygen to the cells, it helps the lungs to expel more toxins in the air the body - helps clean the interior.

4. Breathing fresh air can help reduce airborne diseases and infections. This is because bacteria and viruses decreased survival in the fresh air compared to warm, moist interior that develop.

5. Increased oxygen improves performance and effectiveness of each cell of your body by improving the function of the entire body - the production of hormones, digestion, tissue regeneration, muscle contraction, etc. ..!

     Avoid jogging, running or cycling along busy roads as a result of emissions of carbon dioxide. Park or forest tracks have to be the best places for such activities. Spend at least 20 minutes a day in a natural environment to improve their health and wellbeing. Connect with nature. Enjoy the fresh air, wind and sun! Be excited, to be healthy and happy!

Improve your Brain Power

           It may seem a strange question, but how much time your brain will give a fair trial? Is wonder of his supreme intelligence and incredible strength? It controls a large electrical muscle in the body? Or at least check and give your brain a spring cleaning and redecorating every now and then?

        If you're like most people, your answer is probably "no." Your brain working overtime to you, and give you a thought.

        Most of us rarely think about investing in a brain training occasionally. For a long time, scientists thought that we stuck with the brain, they gave us. Fortunately for us, that theory went out the window with the arrival of a new theory.

       Enter neuroplasticity - the theory proved to be a very surprising fact: The brain has the ability to change. This means that if you're not so smart in one area, which is quite good! You have the option to "change" this brain region with a little training. A simple way to think about it is this:

        The brain is a muscle. Regular exercise is necessary. The most interesting thing is that you do not have to be a millionaire to increase your brain power, or to return to school or invest in expensive technologies. All you need is a little time to train the brain that constantly invest. With that in mind, here are seven simple ways to increase your brain power and improve intelligence.

       Meditate. Simple meditation, you can start now, to simply close your eyes and attention on your breathing. As the mind wanders, bring your attention back to the breath. Only five to ten minutes of this meditation can help you relax, clear your mind, and let more prepared for any mental activity. This can really be critical during a particularly stressful day at work, or if you have trouble relaxing during their days off.

       Exercise regularly. helps to exercise more systematically brain function and improvement of neurogenesis (the growth and development of nerve tissue). This means that every time you exercise is to develop new brain cells and focus your mind and body into a stressful event (ideally). Get off the couch and get to work! The brain will thank you!

      To write. Writing is a method to count the reminder of what is important to clarify your thoughts and help remember things easier in the future. It is also an exercise method for their analytical and creative capabilities. Ideas magazines, newspapers, take notes, poems, e-writing histories of all the ways you can increase your brain power. This does not mean that you are a winner of the Pulitzer Prize; Just help the law in the expansion and improvement of the brain, even if it is something that nobody ever reads.

     Hear what Mozart. In a study conducted at the University of California, scientists have found that children who sang in the choir every day and studied piano, were much better at solving puzzles, and scored 80 percent better in spatial intelligence than non musical group. In another study, 36 students were given three spatial reasoning tests on an IQ test. Just before the first test, they listened to a Mozart sonata for two pianos in D major, K. 448 for 10 minutes. For the second test, they listened to a relaxation tape. For the third, were silent. Median scores for 36 students: 1st test: 119. 2nd test: 111. 3rd test: 110. That's an increase of nine points from Mozart!

     Risa. The release of endorphins produced by laughter reduces stress - this is great for the health of long-term brain. In addition, the laughter you usually leave more open to brand new thoughts and ideas.

     A healthy diet. Our diets have a huge impact on brain function. The brains consume more than 20 percent of all the oxygen and nutrients we consume - to be sure to adequately feed the brains! (Ie, fruits and vegetables and high in Omega 3 oils in fatty fish).

     Get enough sleep. Sleep is like a mini-detox cure for your brain. Only when the body regenerates cells and eliminates all the toxins accumulated during the day. Go to bed 21: 00-0h 00, to enjoy a sleep efficiency.

Eat Vegetables'Be Healthy

             Vegetables from the humble pumpkin carrots, broccoli and kale to. They can be grilled, baked, mashed or just eat them raw, and the possibility to address many important benefits for your health and wellbeing. These are the main benefits of eating vegetables:

1. Reduce the Potential and Cancer Symptoms

       Vegetables can fight cancer. This is without a doubt the biggest health benefit of eating vegetables and cause cancer in 2014, 1 in 4 deaths in the UK, it seems that more people are affected by the disease.

        But how plants have a possible cure or prevention of the symptoms or diagnosis of cancer? It appears that many scientists have found that vitamin C may play a critical role as a block for the disease.

        And how vitamin C refer to vegetables? Well, if you look in foods containing vitamin C, it is clear that, green pepper contains 244 mg per 100 g of eggplant 2 mg per 100 grams of fruit and vegetables listed foods vitamin C. dominate

        Dr. Linus Pauling and Ewan Cameron designed, in a 1971 study of 1,100 patients with cancer, showing the strength of the vitamin. 100 cancer patients received 10 grams of vitamin C per day until the end of 1978, while the other received 1000 without extra supplement of vitamin C at that time.

        Have survived to the end of the study, of which 13,100, while there is no 1000 is maintained. Moreover, 12 out of 13 showed no further signs of cancer.

        We can think of these findings as a result of the crucial effect of vitamin C in the body, which to build the immune system. The vitamin is present in high concentrations in the immune cells that fight infection in the body, so that the consumption of vegetables that are rich in vitamin C, reduces the risk of disease.

 Vegetables rich in vitamin C include:

     Red pepper (190 mg per 100 grams)

     Parsley (130 mg per 100 g)

     Broccoli (90 mg per 100 g)

    Sprouts (80 mg per 100 grams)

2. Ensures that your Skin Radiant

        Although at first this may not be an obvious advantage with eating vegetables, a study by Dr. Ian Stephen proposes to the University of Nottingham (2010) for those looking for greater clarity, there can be sustainable use of the plant.

        The study found that eating vegetables rich in carotenoids - vitamin A and beta Carolene (two potent antioxidants), such as carrots, tomatoes and peppers, the participants had a healthier skin color could be obtained simply sunbathe.

        Carotenoids are compounds that give vegetables their vibrant colors. Other vehicles, with a high concentration of carotenoids include:

    Sweet potatoes (cooked) 100g - 384% DV (DV)

     Kale (cooked) per 100g - 272% DV

     Cos / cosine 100g - 174% DV

3. Help to Lose Weight

        This can be a surprise in view of the fact that most vegetables contain almost all levels of fat, saturated fat or sugar. However, it is not only the low-fat which can help weight loss, but also the percentage of fibers and energy density (ED) in some vegetables. ED can just watch as the amount of calories in the diet; more the energy density, the more calories. Fiber was widely believed that leave you feeling full longer when you eat.

         Yeo and Roberts et al (2001) found in a study (the length of more than six months), they were able to see a relationship between the consumption of low fat, high fiber food and weight loss, with respect to obtaining the weight foods with a high fat low fiber content.

      Vegetables fall into the "high fiber low fat" category include:

       Eggplant (3 grams of fiber per 100 g, 12% of the daily amount, 0.2 grams of fat per 82 g, 0% of the daily allowance)

      Carrot (2.8 grams of fiber per 100 g, 11% of the daily volume, 0.2 g fat per 100 g, 0% of the daily allowance)

        Sweet potatoes (3 grams of fiber per 100 g, 12% of the daily volume, 0 g fat per 100 g, 0% of the daily allowance)

4. Improving the mental health and memory

          But it is general that the high content of omega-3 fatty acids in fish such as salmon, to improve tuna, mackerel, and milk, such as the brain functions, it is also important to note the importance of vegetables in the memory of the memory and Mental Health .

         As the reasons for plants that significant weight loss is shown low-fat help memory retention, as research by Olivia Okereke MD et al (2012).

          In this study, the researchers found that in the period of 4 years for the mental capacity of their nationals, those with higher levels of saturated fat in their diet to be tested, they were even worse on mental tests. Other research suggests that this may be caused by a build-up of fatty deposits and beta-amyloid plaques in the brains section, which has been observed in Alzheimer's patients.

        However, some vegetables can help the only mental health; tomato.

       The pigment that gives tomatoes their red with bright colors is lycopene, it has been shown that it is advantageous for the mental health in a study conducted in Finland by Karppi et al (2012)

       The study was proposed in order to investigate the effects of vitamin B and stroke, however, the results showed that of the 1031 men tested, those with the highest concentrations of lycopene were 59% and 55% less likely to be a stroke.

        Other vegetables rich in lycopene include:

   Red peppers (cooked) 100 g - 484 micrograms

   Asparagus (cooked) per 100g - 30 micrograms

    100 g of red cabbage - 20 micrograms

5. Improve Eyesight

         Carrots always presented to us as being good for the eyes, with people suggesting that you may even receive a level of "night vision" of them. Therefore, the amount of the truth? And not just any other vegetable improve vision?

          In a study by Perlman et al (1983) found that around the claims of Vitamin A, and the increase in the view was valid. They tried a number of patients with vision problems, measuring of vitamin A levels in your system, before surgery on the eye. They found that levels of vitamin A are greatly reduced in your body.

         Some patients then received a high dose of vitamin A after surgery, while others do not. The results showed a complete change and retention of appearance after 7 months in the group containing vitamin A in comparison with those without injection.

         This coupled with the fact that they look bad when levels of vitamin A were low, offers greater reliability of the claims of plants in order to improve visibility.

        Although we have a high concentration of vitamin A can receive in carrots (cooked - 341% of the daily value per 100 grams), other vegetables contain similar levels, including spinach (cooked - 272% of the recommended daily allowance per 100 grams ) and charcoal (100% of the daily value per 100 grams).

        Green vegetables such as spinach, cabbage, kale, beet greens and Pak Choi is also proposed to see the same qualities improved by having a pair of compounds called lutein and zeaxanthin.

         In a study by Leung et al (2004), the researchers used a species of monkey called Rhesus, a close relative of the chimpanzee and humans have suspiciously similar DNA to 93% in a human, and tested how the development of the retina and vision of strength is affected.

          A set of monkeys were to be subjected to a system substantially free of purified lutein and zeaxanthin n-3-fatty acids, while the other monkeys have to be provided with a supplement of lutein and zeaxanthin pure every 6 to 24 months. They found that the structure of the retina and vision screened at diet free lutein and zeaxanthin.

           Although the rhesus monkey is not an exact match for a human being, it is clear that having a diet rich in green vegetables carrots and vision benefits for the average person.

6. Make you Glad

         This may seem to hear a little strange to regularly eating vegetables can give you a greater sense of happiness, but there is no scientific evidence behind the claim.

         In a recent study of TS Conner et al (2015), 405 people were invited to eat fruits, vegetables, sweets and chips, and asked to complete an Internet newspaper with feelings about how happy they were and how strong their feelings wax wellbeing. The conclusion showed that those who ate fruits and vegetables creates a greater sense of happiness compared with those who ate candy and chips.

       One possible reason for this is due to the lack of fat in the plant, according to research by Brunner et al (2009), suggesting that those who eat high-fat diet are more often depressed.

        This is further reinforced by a study of Australian Mujcic et al (2014), in which we asked 13,969 people how happy they were after eating vegetables. The researchers concluded that vegetables have to play an important role in not only the mental physical health, but people in society.

        The beneficial component of plant nutrition to increase happiness is that all vegetables to eat, what levels of vitamins and minerals.

7. Keep Hydrated

        If you want to stay hydrated, is the probability of reaching for a piece of radish has a low level, however, it is important to understand that the vegetables can maintain a feeling of freshness.

       Topping the list of vegetables with high water content are cucumbers, lettuce and celery, while as much as 95% of the water.

       They are closely followed by tomato (94% water), while the coal is at risk of 93% of water. Cauliflower, eggplant, red cabbage, peppers and spinach all contain 92%.

       Other vehicles, with large amounts of water include broccoli (91%), carrots (87%) and green peas (79%).

      Although they are not completely water-based, it is clear that plants can play an important role in order to remain hydrated.

8. Reduce the Risk of Cardiovascular Disease

      Cardiovascular diseases such as coronary heart disease and stroke in a large number of deaths in the UK, with almost identical rates in cancer mortality by about 160,000 people from 2011.

      However, science has shown that these diseases can be reduced by large scale through increased consumption of vegetables.

     Wang et al (2014) that, in a sample of 833,234 people with cardiovascular disease and cancer, which up to 5 vegetables per day is reduced the probability that, in particular, heart and vascular diseases ,.

      Similarly, Bazzano et al (2002) found that, on a sample of more than 9,000 people of 25-74 years, the vegetables may lower the risk of mortality in a variety of cardiovascular diseases including stroke and ischemic heart disease.

     One interpretation of these results is to understand how to reverse or treat cardiovascular disease in the diet.

      Harvard Public Health Institute suggests that the bad fats "such as red meat and dairy products high in fat (with a higher level of cholesterol in the body), when consumed long time, can be deadly. Avoid therefore can enhance foods rich in saturated fats how the heart operates so that vegetables are a great addition to a diet people.

         "Good fats" may be crucial for maintaining a healthy heart, and are found in oily fish - salmon and tuna, and olive oil.

     Vegetables that have good fats by eating include:

Avocados - 100 g containing 15 g fat

black olives - 100 g containing 11 g fat

9. They are Low cost

         Most healthy meals consist of protein, carbohydrates and fats. A majority of the protein is mainly meat products produced but how it compares in price and many vegetable protein?

        The economic benefits of certain plants against flesh is huge. £ 1 comparing the amount of grams bought, we see that 500 grams of lentils can be purchased for 1 500 g chickpeas (well packaged) for £ 1.15 and £. However, only slightly more than 120 grams of chicken breast (packed) can be purchased for the same amount of money.

        These three foods are rich in protein. In relation to Article 1, they bought £ however, we find that the chicken provides 30 g protein, 45 g lentils and chickpeas 95 g protein.

        The high fiber content is apparent from lentils (40g - 160% of the daily allowance) and chickpea (85g - 350% of the daily dose) with 0 grams of chicken, which not only these vegetables they offer a large monetary value, but also a great nutritional value. Many protein and fiber felt more satisfied for longer periods.