Some Silent Killer Diseases

         Several deadly silent disease because they have no symptoms and can cause death. There are several diseases known as a silent killer, eating slowly, without any serious symptoms in the early stages.           They are characterized by subtle symptoms that often go unnoticed. If there are too determined not cure disease, that can lead to serious complications of the time. Here are the Top 10 silent killer diseases should know. There are chances that people can live with such a dangerous disease without knowing it.


      Hypertension also known as high blood pressure. Hypertension is a silent killer disease because it is not fatal and has no significant early symptoms. The danger of high blood pressure is all the burden on the heart, leading to problems such as hypertensive heart disease. High blood pressure can also severely damage the kidneys.


       Diabetes is a silent killer Top 10 diseases, especially diseases of the diabetic heart. Diabetes can suddenly does not kill, but glucose slowly damage blood vessels throughout the body. Uncontrolled diabetes can lead to some serious complications. These include kidney disease, stroke, cardiovascular disease, vision loss and amputation of limbs.


       Osteoporosis is a pathology that leads to bone destruction, making the thin and weak. It is also a silent killer disease that often there are signs in the early stages. Osteoporosis is a major risk factor for older people, especially women, since osteoporosis weakens and kills hip fractures.

Coronary Heart Disease:

       Coronary artery disease (CAD) is a common heart disease caused by the accumulation of plaque on the walls of blood vessels. the main risk factors for heart disease include smoking, obesity and lack of exercise and a family history of heart disease. If coronary artery disease (CAD) have no immediate symptoms may go unnoticed until you have a heart attack.

Colon Cancer:

      Colon cancer is also included in the 10 silent killer diseases. A tumor often does not develop overnight in the rectum or colon. It often begins as a polyp called a slight growth. Most polyps are benign, but when they choose can save some cancer cells after several years.


       Hepatitis is also, inter alia, within 10 silent killer diseases. It refers to inflammation of the liver and is a viral infection that affects many people. Hepatitis A and E are caused by consumption of contaminated food or water. Hepatitis B, C and D are contracted through transfusions of infected blood, sexual contact and childbirth. The virus in the body can be a number of years without signs and symptoms.

Chagas disease:

       Chagas is transmitted by the bite of an insect - the "kissing bug" - in which people are infected with a parasite. If untreated, this damage can lead to organs and lead to early death. In the initial phase of the disease, usually no symptoms, although a large number of parasites in the circulating blood. When chronic disease that causes serious cardiovascular and gastrointestinal which can even lead to death becomes.

Lung Cancer:

       Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in men and women. The prognosis for someone with lung cancer is poor. Less than 10% of people living with the disease for more than five years after diagnosis. Lung cancer diagnosed in its early stages offers the best hope for successful treatment and recovery.

Note: regular examinations and early diagnosis of unexplained or vague symptoms can make a living.