Kidney Pain Causes and Simptoms

            Kidneys are vital organs that act as a waste management system for the filtration of our body care and maintain the chemical balance of the blood. However, there are a wide variety of conditions that can cause pain in the kidneys, such as inflammation, infection and other problems that can affect the normal operation. In the following paragraphs, we will examine some of the most common causes of pain in this important institution, as well as some of the symptoms and treatment options available today:

Kidney Infection:


       Also known as pyelonephritis, this condition is caused by an upward travel urinary tract infection of the urethra. In severe cases, it can lead to an accumulation of pus around the kidneys and even death. Most cases of pyelonephritis caused by intestinal microorganisms that make their way into the urinary tract, such as E. coli and Enterococcus faecalis channels.


       Some of the most common symptoms of this disease include high fever, nausea, vomiting and nausea, abdominal pain, go to the back of the abdomen, and painful urination. In some cases, it can also lead smelly urine, blood in the urine, and / or increased frequency of urination. These symptoms occur in a relatively short period of time ranging from a few hours to a whole day.


      Pyelonephritis is treated by a physician for at least seven days of antibiotics. It is important to note that only home remedies are not effective for this disorder, and a visit to your doctor is highly recommended.

       Although most cases do not require hospitalization, it is recommended in severe cases intravenously is necessary for the delivery of antibiotics to ensure that the drug reaches the kidneys.

Kidney Stones:


      These solid deposits or crystal aggregates, also known as kidney stones are formed from minerals in the urine of a person. Are usually calcium oxalate, a compound that is the result of accumulation of dissolved minerals in the kidneys. In some cases, kidney stones may block the flow of urine and pain caused by the pressure created by the fluid in excess. According to researchers from the Mayo Clinic, people with kidney stones are more likely to develop chronic kidney disease.


       The relatively common kidney stones, and in many cases may not show symptoms for a while until one of them goes in the tube connecting the kidney and bladder, also known as the ureter connects. When this occurs, the patient may have some experience the following symptoms: pain spread in the abdomen or on the side of the abdomen, while the fluctuation of the intensity, fever, nausea, vomiting, painful urination, abnormal urine (pink, brown or red), urine smells bad or having to urinate more often than usual.


        Treatment options generally depends on the size of the stones. Most kidney stones in the urinary tract less than two days, accompanied by abundant moisture absorption. A 4 mm stone has a chance of passage and greater than 80% stone 9 mm rarely pass without further processing. In some cases, anti-inflammatory drugs and drugs are used to control the pain associated with the process.

        A procedure called lithotripsy is often used when a stone is too large to pass himself. Lithotripsy is used ultrasonic shock waves to break up kidney stones into small pieces that can be transmitted through the urinary tract. In some cases, the absence of all above variants are available or not, surgery may be required. This can be done by passing a ureteroscope through the urethra and bladder, ureter in the removal of kidney stones in question.

Polycystic kidney disease:


       It is a genetic disease characterized by the growth of numerous cysts in the kidneys, leading to an increase in the volume of the affected organ, causing pain. You can learn more about this condition here.


       Although there are many patients who do not develop symptoms for years of service; Some of the most common symptoms of this condition include headache, drowsiness, high blood pressure, pain in the side of the abdomen or back, swelling of the abdomen, frequent urination, joint pain , blood in urine, urinary tract infections, kidney stones and kidney infections.


      In this case, the goal is to control symptoms and further complications. As the disease worsens over time, and kidney failure led to the final stage is usually control high blood pressure is considered the most important aspect. Some of the elements that often treatment: diuretics, antihypertensives, low-salt diet and antibiotics if there is a urinary tract infection.

Kidney cancer:


      This is a rare form of cancer that accounts for about 2% of all cancer cases. If kidney tumor grows, it pushes the nerves throughout the body that can cause pain, among other symptoms.


      Although there is a wide variety of symptoms which may be associated with renal cancer, the search for blood in the urine, it is one of the most common symptoms of this condition. Some other common symptoms may include loss of appetite, weight loss, fever, persistent abdominal pain and a general feeling of fatigue.


     Most use cases of kidney cancer surgery as an initial treatment option to remove a kidney tumor (known as breast-conserving surgery) or to completely remove the affected kidney (nephrectomy an action). Other treatment alternatives that may be considered during an operation can not be viable to heat cancer cells (known as radiofrequency ablation) freezing, treatment of cancer cells (called cryo) treatment, and agents acting on the immune system to fight against cancer and radiation.

       Finally, there are several possible causes of kidney pain, and each state has a set of symptoms and treatment options must be handled carefully according to each case. When kidney pain is present, it is important to consult a doctor for a thorough medical examination to complications.