Disadvantages of Late Night Sleeping


       The trend of late hours at night and early morning is actually a ticking time bomb for our health, so it is necessary to act now to reduce your risk of developing these life-threatening conditions. 

         In addition, we are significantly increasing the risk of stroke or cardiovascular disorders resulting in, for example, heart attacks. Sleep at the end of the bed will increase your risk of heart disease, obesity or diabetes.

Why do people like to stay in bed later?

       There are several reasons for this practice; which include a number of health problems.

People who suffer need to hypersomnia treatment. It makes them feel sleepy during the day, even feel sleepy after waking.

     Another cause of the phenomenon of sleep apnea. the dream is destroyed in the night and makes people tired and sleepy during the day.

     Above all, pressure, stress leads to problems sleeping. Because the symptoms of stress affect sleep, insomnia is often easily obtained, and always want to sleep.

     Finally, alcohol or substance also makes oversleeping.

The effects of sleeping late 

        Science has shown that sleeping in bed refers to the end of a health problem. A study showed that 9,000 Americans sleep too much and grew by 50 percent the risk of diabetes. It is similar slept with the result that less than 5 hours per day. Moreover, excess sleep leads to obesity risk. 21 percent is the number that is the risk of weight gain so sleepy face.

       Heart disease leads to sleep disorders. The risk is higher than 38 percent compared with people getting enough sleep. Some health problems associated with such sleep depression, headaches and back pain.

      The effects of sleep deprivation are much more dramatic than fatigue in the morning. Sleep during the day and night. You change the power levels of hormones in your body. 

       Hormones such as melatonin, which led to breast and prostate cancer. People who work at night are more likely to purchase it. They increase the risk of stroke, heart if done continuously, as well as people who work at night are also less mentally stable and much less reliable. They are able to do the same with their work all night, but this performance compared to people on a regular sleep schedule is underperforming.

How to quit this habit?

       Experts recommend that only 7-9 hours of sleep per night, depending on age. When you were sleeping, some tips below can help you to move forward to maintain regular routines every day and create stable biological clock of the body. 

Set alarm time to wake up. Located hours away from their beds, they need warm blanket of the clock. In addition, during the day, but a nap for about 30 minutes to 1 hour sleep better.

        Humanity is a daytime body. forcing her to go through the night, the body goes against the grain, and the body is placed in more stress. In addition, in school, people who do not sleep at night, but not during the day tend to have more trouble focusing to have the whole day. And like work. always be lower than the expected at school during the day as well.

        The researchers point out that what happens is that the genes that regulate metabolism is not fully activated at certain times of the day (for example, late at night when we have to sleep in theory). "Every organ has a clock," said study lead author Satchidananda Panda. "If we arbitrarily food, these genes have not been fully or completely. "So during the day, when we are most active, our metabolism are more fully" on ", and therefore able to process energy efficient.