Olives and Olive Oil

              Olives are a great healthy snack. Olives contain many vitamins and elements that will do wonders for your body trace. Moreover, olives and olive oil contain a high content of fatty acids and antioxidants, such as lutein, a powerful antioxidant that neutralize free radicals and protects the body from aging. Olive oil has found a prominent place in every home, thanks to the many health benefits of olive oil. Attributed essential part of the diet of most of the health benefits of the Mediterranean olive oil to natural properties it owns.


            The olives are high in fat than most plant foods, with 7 grams of fat per half cup serving. Most of these fats, unsaturated fats, healthy fats that can lower cholesterol levels in the blood. However, all good news for these tasty morsels. canned olives can be very high in sodium. A diet high in sodium is a risk factor for high blood pressure, you should consume no more than 2,300 milligrams of sodium per day. Half a cup of canned olives has 590 milligrams of sodium, or 25 percent of the daily maximum. When stopped in the olive tray, keep your portion size small.

         Olives beneficial antioxidants that may protect against cancer and heart disease. A study published in the "European Journal of Cancer Prevention" identified a number of anti-cancer compounds in olives. Another study published in the "International Journal of Vitamin and Nutrition Research" found that the antioxidants in olives have decreased levels of LDL or bad cholesterol in the blood. olive oil is the main source of fat for the people of the Mediterranean, including Italy, Greece and Spain. traditional diets of these crops inspired by the Mediterranean diet, a diet linked to lower risk of heart disease.

Benefits of Olives  

        Olives contribute to the prevention of heart and vascular diseases and oncological diseases.

        Maslinic acid in olive skin helps prevent colon cancer.

       Olives have a therapeutic effect on arthritis, gout, osteochondrosis - musculoskeletal disorders.

       The calcium content in the olives is important for the improvement of bone tissue, which is involved in the formation of joints.

        The presence of manganese contributes to the regulation of muscle tone and supports the normal operation of the connective tissue, which is required to restore the cells of articular cartilage.

       Olives a therapeutic effect on joint tissues, due to the high content of vitamin C and E - powerful antioxidants.

       Vitamin E protects against oxidation in the body because of the large amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids in olives. So has anti-inflammatory properties and the ability to significantly reduce swelling and pain.

       Vitamin E helps to protect against cardiovascular disease olives.

      Olives to contribute to the promotion and the reduction of activity and prevention of gall bladder stone formation

        The presence of unsaturated fats in olives help reduce the amount of fat around the stomach, which leads to weight loss.

        Monounsaturated fats in olives help balance cholesterol levels and the incidence of cardiovascular disease, reducing the risk of heart attack

Olive Oil

            The olive oil has found a prominent place in every household oil, which is an essential part of the Mediterranean diet, most of the health benefits of olive oil are attributed to the natural properties it owns. Moreover, this oil is naturally free of the five main culprits that most health problems cause cholesterol, salt, sugar, gluten and trans fats. Available in four main varieties of extra virgin olive oil is most commonly used. Here are some important facts you should know about olive oil.

If prediabetes you're then you need at least 2 tablespoons of olive oil a day in your daily diet. A study published in the journal Diabetes Care found that the Mediterranean diet rich in olive oil, the probability of developing type II diabetes can be reduced by almost 50 percent compared to a low fat diet.

Benefits of Olive Oil

          Olive oil is well known as cholesterol, reduce a significant contribution to heart disease. Studies have shown that the presence of oil regularly can help lower blood pressure. It is also rich in polyphenols, antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds (tocopherol), which keeps your heart healthy. It is not only prevent heart disease, but also slows down the aging heart. According to a study by Spanish researchers can olive oil (and other monounsaturated fats) improve cardiac function in the elderly.

         Most people avoid the olive oil because it is dense and rich in calories. It is a common misconception that the oil causes weight gain. In fact, studies have shown that olive oil can help to lose weight. Olive oil will keep you full longer and reduces hunger. It also reduces sugar cravings in people.

         Olive oil contains phytonutrients, oleocanthal, which mimics the action of analgesics such as ibuprofen, therefore it helps to reduce pain and inflammation. It is mainly due to phytochemicals, which are important for pain and inflammation in your body.

         The presence of antioxidants in olive oil neutralize harmful free radicals in the body, which reduces the risk of cancer. With antioxidants, olive oil, also rich in oleic acid (monounsaturated fats or fat) which may play a role in protecting against tumors (breast cancer). The olive oil anti-cancer property also reduces the risk of cancer recurrence, particularly breast cancer. The progress of the most dangerous form of skin cancer called melanoma may be limited by the antioxidant effect of olive oil. Here's what you need in the latest cancer treatment and advances in cancer research.

        Of all vegetable oils, olive oil has the highest content of mono-unsaturated fatty acids are not readily oxidized in the body. This is why the olive oil plays an important role in reducing stress on the body xidative.

        Olive oil helps calcium absorption. It also improves bone mineralization and calcification. This characteristic of the olive oil is very useful for people with osteoporosis, who are prone to breakage due to bone mass decreases. Here's how you can avoid developing osteoporosis.

        In addition to the great health benefits, olive oil also helps you emotionally strong. According to Spanish researchers from the University of Navarra and Las Palmas, a diet rich in olive oil can reduce the risk of developing depression.

        Olive oil acts as a lubricant for digestion and helps relieve a bowel movement, so for constipation. It strengthens the digestive system and also helps prevent gastrointestinal problems such as gastritis and peptic ulcers. Try these 10 home remedies for constipation secret.