Trees and Health


              Plant trees, mainly for its beauty and shade, but create many other benefits. Trees can soothe and relax us and help us connect with nature and our environment. The green color - is a cool calming color that helps restore their eyes quickly strain. By planting and maintaining trees, they help to improve the environment, reduce pollution, energy costs, improve the appearance of their community and increase the value of your property.

Environmental benefits

      Trees can reduce the air temperature by blocking sunlight. Further cooling occurs when the water evaporates from the surface of the leaves. Conversion --- --- water humid air a chemical process removes thermal energy from the air.

      A tree is a natural air conditioner. Evaporation of a single tree can produce 10 air conditioners cooling effect size works 20 hours a day.You can improve the efficiency of its heat in the shade of a tree.

     Trees can shade hard surfaces such as driveways, patios, sidewalks and buildings, minimizing heat load landscape - a buildup of heat emitted during the day to night, resulting in warmer temperatures. Ideally, striped 50 percent of the total paved surface. Evergreens can be used to reduce wind speed and thus the heat loss in winter home as much as 10 to 50 percent.

      Trees absorb and block noise and reduce glare. A well placed tree can reduce noise by up to 40 percent. Leaves fallen trees can reduce soil temperature and soil moisture. Decaying leaves promote soil microorganisms and nutrients for tree growth.

      Trees help capture and remove dust, pollen and smoke in the air. The amount of dust in the air may be as much as 75 percent of the protected part of the shaft relative to the windward side.

       Trees provide a habitat ecosystem and provide food for birds and other animals. Trees carbon dioxide and potentially harmful, such as sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, oxygen and air release gases.

        A large tree, the supply of oxygen for four days. A healthy tree can save 13 pounds of coal per year ---- an acre of trees equal to 2.6 tons of carbon dioxide. Every gallon of gasoline burned produces about 20 pounds of carbon dioxide.

       Trees help reduce runoff of surface waters from storms, reducing soil erosion and sedimentation in waterways. Pose transported to reduce groundwater recharge and the number of potentially harmful chemicals into our waterways.

       Trees cooling air, land and water with shade and moisture in order to reduce the heat island effect of our urban communities. The temperature in urban areas is often 9 degrees warmer than in areas with thick forests.

       Trees create micro climates shade-adapted plants growing love. The Forestry Association of America estimates that 100 million new trees of 18 million tons of carbon dioxide and the United States absorb reduce air conditioning costs by $ 4 billion per year. Dew and frost less under the tree, because less radiant heat loss at night.

Personal and social benefits

      Trees are the best plants that can be added to your landscape as they impact created by their size eight. A tree can add music to your life by attracting birds and other animals. It can provide pleasant aromas. A cherry scent the air with 200,000 flowers.

      Hospital patients have been shown to recover from surgery more quickly when their hospital room offered a view of trees. They also had fewer complaints, less pain medication and leave the hospital sooner.

      Most of us react to the presence of trees beyond simply observing their beauty. We feel serene, peaceful, calm and relaxed in a grove of trees. Trees provide us with colors, flowers, fruits, shapes and sizes interesting to see.

      Trees can filter unattractive view, soften the rough sketch sometimes masonry, metal, asphalt, steel and glass. Trees can separate and define the space and provide a sense of privacy, solitude and safety, and create a feeling of relaxation and wellbeing.

     Trees can serve as a living legacy for the next generation - that connects us like generations of the family and distant. Trees can help direct foot traffic, provide context and therefore the appearance of other plants and garden landscape.

     Trees help people think positively about life changes. Trees studying in a relaxing effect on students for exams were reported. Studies have shown that low heart rate waves urban vegetation, lower blood pressure and the brain can cause more relaxed.

       Sound waves are absorbed by leaves and branches. A belt of trees 100 feet wide and 45 feet high can reduce rolling noise by 50 percent. Prolonged exposure to noise can cause high blood pressure, high cholesterol, irritability and aggressive behavior.

Community Benefits

        Trees can a lasting impression in the form of a community is perceived by visitors to create and influence the mood and the proud community of its inhabitants.

        Trees can improve the economic stability of the community by holding businesses that attract tourists and shop ----- and are more present as trees. The values ​​of the landscaped residential properties are 5 to 15% higher than that of rustic houses and houses are faster to sell the houses without trees.

       Trees increase moisture in the air, which helps replenishing groundwater, to reduce soil erosion and excess rainwater, and reducing the amount of water used and the need for new structures, water treatment plants, and rain water. A study in Salt Lake City showed the canopy reduces surface runoff of 11.3 million gallons after a rainfall of 1 inch.

       The sense of community pride created by the trees can help reduce crime. Reducing heating and cooling costs, trees can reduce our dependence on oil and natural gas.

        To absorb and deflect the falling rain, trees can reduce the severity of flooding. The reduction of carbon dioxide, dust or other potentially harmful materials in the air gases, air quality is improved by lower ozone, carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide.

       Trees make communities livable for people and their activities. People walking and jogging on the streets with trees; Children and adults have a cool place to play or relax in the summer, increasing their interaction with neighbors.