Bye Fatness' Hello Fitness,

                As is generally true in this case, a certain opinion on the study seem to actually read. I think it is understandable -. If you ask people about random effects meta-analysis, "the eyes of the typical reader glassy Yet some useful test to read a study prior to interpret, however, difficult to culture this kind of work.

       First goes from inactive to moderately active, in fact, has been associated with a marked reduction in the risk of premature death in all levels of BMI. This appears first as a confirmation of the idea that being fit trumps fatness. But there is more. In the tables, almost all active moderate activity active people with a BMI less than 30. The number of obesity, but also moderately active, they were very, very low. This statement summarizes previously published: it is possible to be fit but fat, but few people really are. In general, actively involved in weight control.

      Second, the researchers found that BMI, waist circumference, but also - a better measure not only the body of excess fat, but their distribution. Not all overweight and obesity is a threat to health, but excess fat around the middle. We long as all the variations on the theme heaviest correspond to higher mortality.

      Similarly comparing different levels of activity between the levels of BMI, the authors compared different measures of waist circumference for all exercise levels. The result was that the transition from a high tower of normal size, which is almost identical to reduce the risk of death to go from inactive to moderately active.

      So, really, fitness and adiposity in both field. Muscle overweight, with a slim waist is not a risk factor for early death. Excess body fat distributed in the lower limbs, such as common in premenopausal women is not a risk factor. Weight by about half, however, and the effect on mortality in this large study, seems to be about the same as the risk of downtime.

      Frankly, I think this is a better message and more power. If you have excess weight around the waist, and can move to reduce more or better food, is likely to significantly reduce the risk of mortality (and morbidity). Otherwise inactive and moderately active, you will do the same - whatever your weight.

      I do not know why it seemed so excited to see this study as the distillation of two ways to improve the health of paint. Two is better. In addition, as noted, they tend to be highly correlated anyway. exercise more, they tend to close with a lower weight - with the potential to both benefit.


      Foods that can make you smart,

Fruits and  Vegetables

       All vegetables and fruit because it is rich in nutrients and fiber, help combat chronic inflammation, so make sure that sufficient quantities of these foods to include every day. However, certain types of fresh produce are even more powerful than others.

      Some fruits and vegetables in meals antiinflammatory phenomenal to include apples, berries, broccoli, mushrooms, papaya, pineapple and spinach.

Green Tea

      This soda is ideal for reducing the size reduction and swelling. The flavonoids in tea that has natural anti-inflammatory properties. And EGCG compound in green tea has been shown to help reduce body fat.


       Some herbs like garlic, turmeric, cinnamon, ginger and chili, have the ability to reduce inflammation vigorously, then try adding meals as often as possible.


      Staying hydrated is essential to eliminate toxins that cause inflammation of your body. Aim for 64 liters of water per day. Remember: Add an additional 8 liters of water for every 30 minutes of exercise too.

Whole Grains

     High in fiber, whole grains help control insulin response in your body. The high content of vitamin B whole grains also reduces inflammation homocysteine ​​hormone in the body.