Yoga' The Secret of a Healthy Life


         Yoga is a 5,000 years old  science of body of India.The the full essence of life, including the integration Gyan yoga or philosophy, Bhakti Yoga or the path of devotion bliss, karma yoga path of action or happiness, and Raja yoga or mind control pad. Raja Yoga is divided into eight parts. At the heart of the Raja Yoga system, balancing and integration of these different approaches, the practice of Yoga Asanas. 

        The true essence of Yoga moves around elevating the life force or ‘Kundalini’ at the base of the spine. It aims to attain this through a series of physical and mental exercises. At the physical level, the methods comprise various yoga postures or ‘asanas’ that aim to keep the body healthy.

       Yoga is a holistic lifestyle which integrates all the elements of the ancient knowledge of Yoga, a discipline of prayer to unite body, mind and soul. The set of simple yoga postures, but effective and breathing techniques, the focus is on the inner experience of meditation to the well-being of the mind and other hidden elements of human existence. We believe that when one is in harmony in the journey through life is calmer, happier and more fulfilled.               

     In the lifestyle of yoga programs, wisdom and techniques of yoga are taught pure, joyful and thorough manner. Programs to restore the balance, help to strengthen the body, soothe our mind, our approach to restore and improve self-confidence. It is a complete package for beginners and regular runners and has something for everyone - all age groups.                          

   Regular practice of yoga has remarkable changes put into practice the art of living life. They have experienced relief from chronic disease and observed behavioral changes. Participants reported a healthier, happier with decreased anxiety, increased tolerance and care of life.
    One of the advantages of the physical practice of yoga postures that support and argue that no matter how old or young, whether in the form or fragile, it comes. As you age, your understanding of asana is becoming increasingly sophisticated.
     The common practice of yoga, which is usually more sensitive to the nature of the foods our body needs and when are. This can also help keep weight under control.
both body and mind - a few minutes of yoga during the day can be a great way to get rid of the stress which accumulates every day.

     Yoga is also one of the best ways to soothe a troubled mind. Yoga postures massage organs and muscles stregthen; breathing techniques and meditation to release stress and immunity.It that helps to raise awareness and bring the mind to the present, where you can stay happy and focused to improve.

     Do you feel entirely drained out by the end of the day?. A few minutes of yoga every day offers the secret of a fresh and energetic, even after a long day of feeling. regular stretching and yoga tones the muscles of the body and makes them strong. It also helps to improve posture while standing, sitting, sleeping or walking .. It is important to learn and practice yoga postures, under the supervision of a qualified yoga teacher. In the case of health, the practice of yoga postures after consultation with a doctor.