Healthy Teeth' Healthy Smile

     Our teeth are in shape and size depending on where they are in the mouth. These differences allow the teeth to do a lot of different work. Teeth help us to chew and digest food. 

 They help us to speak and pronounce different sounds clearly. Lastly, teeth help give our face its shape.

  A healthy smile can be a great asset; and because this is so important, it makes sense to give your teeth the best possible care. it is important to have good dental hygiene routine early to develop and sustain life as you age. You can do this by practicing good oral hygiene, healthy diet and supplementation with these good habits with professional care when needed.


   1. Brush every morning and evening. 

  When you brush you should do for at least two minutes. This gives you time to reach all surfaces of the teeth. Make sure you remember the back teeth.

        Teach your children to start brushing good oral hygiene habits, once they get their first teeth. Cavities in baby teeth will be as uncomfortable as caries in permanent teeth.

        For best results, use a soft toothbrush or electric toothbrush. Whatever type of toothbrush you use, you must replace three months. If you fear that your toothbrush can be carried out above, you can check to see if the bent and damaged hair. If so, you may want to replace it. Regular brushing will not only pain free, healthy teeth, but also keep your breath fresh. But do not brush too soon after eating. After eating the mouth more acidic, which makes the enamel is temporarily softened. Wait at least 30 minutes before brushing.

2. Use a fluoride toothpaste.

      Fluoride protects the enamel and makes you less likely to get cavities. But it is important that sufficient fluoride toothpaste to be effective. Make sure you have at least 1.350 to 1500 ppm.     Toothpaste less than 1000 ppm of effective fluoride to protect teeth.

    3. Use floss every day.

Flossing draws between the surfaces of the teeth. This is important because you can not effectively there to clean his toothbrush. Therefore, when the side, food, plaque and bacteria do not accumulate in the past.
     Using 30 cm dental or inter dental cleaner thread. Inserted between the teeth and the curve around one of the teeth. Up and down along the side of the tooth, then curve around the other tooth and repeat.

     Be careful when you go under the gums. If you are new to flossing, your gums may bleed, but after a few days, it will stop.

    4. Brush or scrape your tongue. 

      The tongue surface is uneven. This means that food particles and bacteria often become trapped there. This will be a source of bacteria on the teeth.

      You can gently brush or use a special tongue scraper. Some toothbrushes, even a dip, gum on the back that can be used for this purpose.     Gently scrape the tongue is not injured. It would not hurt. When finished, rinse your mouth to get rid of dirt and bacteria get.  


        5. Give up smoking. 

       Smoking can stain yellow teeth, give you bad breath, and make you more prone to cancer of gum disease or mouth. 

    So make your teeth healthy and enjoy a perfect life.