How does game make us healthy?


      There are many factors that affect how sport and health effects of physical activity in different populations. Sport and exercise alone does not result in a profit. However, in combination with other factors, can contribute to a healthy lifestyle.
       Games to improve health and our use. Outdoor games provide good exercise for the body and keep us healthy when we play regularly. People playing the game almost never sick.
     Sports and other physical activities that are very beneficial for health, including cardiovascular disease and improved muscle function, bone health, increasing life expectancy and cardiovascular health. Sports can also help prevent various forms of cancer and weight gain, and positive impact on mental health by reducing depression and improve cognitive function.
 Weight Maintenance
      Sports can help promote weight loss in the long run and help prevent weight gain. Increase metabolism and sport can help increase muscle mass while burning calories and getting rid of excess fat. In spite of the required amount of exercise, depending on body type and calorie intake, sport can help people maintain a healthy weight. According to the US Department of Health and Human Services during the second-half to five hours of physical activity of moderate intensity can help keep weight steady. High-intensity sports who want to lose weight or to maintain a significant level of weight loss.
  Heart Health
       Sport can help people of all ages to maintain and improve the health of your heart, lungs and blood vessels. Exercise can be a significant reduction in the risk of coronary heart disease and stroke. According to the Office of the UK Science and Technology, about 40 percent of deaths from heart disease associated with insufficient exercise, obesity, stress and high blood pressure. Can play in all these physical problems, which reduces the risk of coronary heart disease by 50 percent.
 Muscle and bone health
       As they grow, exercise is very important for bones, muscles and joints healthy time. Bone and muscle strength, joint structure is important for children.
      Sports can reduce the risk of colon cancer by 300 percent, according to the UK Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology. It may significantly reduce the risk of breast cancer and may reduce the risk of endometrial cancer and lung cancer.
 Mental health
      Sports can be a form of spiritual healing for people suffering from mental disorders and depression. Sports can be perceived in a positive body image, confidence, and to promote self-confidence. The social environment in a positive alternative to promote mental health by participating in sports and other physical activity can also reduce the risk of decline in cognition that comes along. with aging and can reduce anxiety in adolescents.
       Risks associated with participating in sports. While there is little risk involved in the participation of moderate intensity sport like swimming or cycling at a moderate pace of increase in the risk of musculoskeletal injuries of a number. intense exercise People tend to start slowly and gradually increase the intensity and duration of their participation in sports.