Be Beautiful' Be Confident,



                                                                                                                                                                                            Skin care is one of the key elements of the natural beauty, no matter what age your skin tone and skin type. 

        Beauty In total, our goal is to get all the resources you need to provide good care of your skin. We understand the importance of your skin - not only good, but also for your overall health and look.

      For most of us, the day began with a flurry of activity that begins long before we're in the office, at school, or wherever our day brings. No matter how long we need a lot of skin care are not something neglected, even when every minute counts are. Believe it or not, even if less than five minutes, good skin is possible by following these simple steps.

 Be prepared to know your routine,

        Have all your skin care around a clean tray, including cotton balls and cotton swabs elements. Just in case, let your lip balm and exfoliating / heel balm on your nightstand, so it can be applied before bedtime. While the watch touch early in the morning, this does not mean you should skip the care of every part of yourself. Knowing exactly what to do and what to do to help with the flow of the steps of skin care.

 Multitasking can save you time,

       The use contains a moisturizer during the day that sunscreen so you do not have to use a separate product. You can also have the same moisturizer you use night use, and include solar foundation and pressed powder protector.

       Use fresh water soluble cleanser with a soft cloth, which is the only rub your skin and formulated toners can last for removing traces of makeup on her face while giving your skin the essential antioxidants and ingredients barrier repair.

       If your face is bright moisturizer formulated the best eye cream is that you can use. The same applies to the neck and chest!

      Exactly the same scrub your face can be used to put on their elbows and chest areas a smoother, more youthful appearance.

 Do not wipe off your makeup,

           Use a water-soluble cleanser first in the face with a soft washcloth to lose all the makeup. Any remaining makeup can quickly be removed with a small amount of cleaner. In addition to saving time, skip this step also allows not pull the skin. Pull and clean the elastin fibers of skin wounds in the skin and cause sagging. 

      Think of women wearing heavy earrings and how to become distended lobes of the ears. Such is the constant weight extending from the skin elasticity.

 only essential,

       Depending on your skin type, the products you need will vary. Although you do not want to save the essential elements, masks are optional (and time) and does not need great care of your skin daily.

 Of course, the products do not care!

       Whether you choose to build your routine around Paula's Choice products as other brands, the key to see results is to ensure that products are formulated using brilliantly without irritating ingredients and structure of your skin type

 A basics

     In keeping with the theme of simplicity, for whom limited time or just looking to start a routine skin care, choosing Paula has established two essential care routines set perfect for your skin type. Paula options include essential for normal to dry skin, and is essential for normal to oily / combination are both easy to follow daily routines that their bases.

        There is no legal definition in the United States. Conditions for advertising unregulated "natural" or "organic" when applied to personal care products, consumers often prefer skin care products include natural ingredients team include skincare based. have let natural products show strong growth Clinical and laboratory studies have shown activity in natural ingredients with many activities that are potential benefits for personal care, but there is little convincing evidence for the efficacy of natural products in medical problems. 

        Some natural products and treatments can be harmful to the skin or people are prone to allergies should pay attention to what they use on their skin. A dermatologist may feel that there is not enough scientific evidence to assist in the selection or avoidance of certain natural ingredients.

            Ayurvedic skin care is derived from medicinal practices that began over 5000 years ago in India,  ayurvedic medicine and treatment practices based on a common philosophy, psychology and medicine concept of India. 

            Most skin care products are equipped with the following herbs, aloe, almond, avocado, carrot, squash, clay, cocoa, coconut, corn, cucumber, cashew tree oil belongs EMU ginkgo. ginseng, grape seed oil, ground almonds and walnut shell, horse chestnut, witch hazel and honey.