Is coffee good or bad for me?

  Coffee has a long history of being responsible for many diseases – stunt your growth allegations that it causes heart disease and cancer. But recent research indicates that coffee is not so bad after all. So what – good or bad, the best answer may be that for most people the health benefits outweigh the risks.

Recent studies have basically no relationship between coffee and risk of cancer and heart disease. In fact, most studies found a link between coffee consumption and a reduced total mortality and cardiovascular mortality, although probably not in this case among young people who drink a lot. of coffee

Why the apparent change in thinking about the coffee or not. Previous studies had not been aware that high-risk behaviors such as smoking and lack of exercise are likely to be more common among heavy coffee drinkers during that period.

The study found that coffee may have health benefits including the prevention of Parkinson’s disease, type 2 diabetes and liver disease, including liver cancer. It seems to improve cognitive function and reduced risk of depression.

However, research seems to carry a number of risks. High consumption of unfiltered coffee. (Boiled or espresso) is associated with a small increase in cholesterol. And some studies have shown that two or more cups of coffee a day can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease in people suffering in particular – a genetic mutation that slows the breakdown of caffeine in the body – and it is. fair So how fast you metabolize coffee may affect the risk to your health.

Although coffee may have less risk of execution in respect of the benefits that other drinks like milk and some juices contain nutrients that coffee does. Add cream and sugar to your coffee also adds more fat and calories. Some coffee drinks contain more than 500 calories.