Get Rid of Laziness

             Indolence, slothfulness, idleness or whatever you want to call it, but the idea of doing nothing when something needs to be done is often considered a sign of laziness. Sometimes we like to be a little lazy, such as after working hard for many hours, or in a very hot or cold day, but if this state is overcome too often something has to be done about it. 

           You feel tired, you fall asleep during the day constantly, you sit around a lot and feel unable to be dynamic, and doing nothing productive, and put things in pending to be achieved. So here are some solutions to get rid of this laziness.


 Sleep proper and Free yourself,

            Some times, fatigue and lack of energy are the causes of laziness. If this is true in your case, you must have rest and sleep you need.The human brain works ineffectively when it is in constant pressure to do more with tight deadlines - in other words, multitasking dumbs us down. Free yourself doing what matters in the correct order, and without guilt.

  Use your Body,

          A big reason of laziness is that we don't use our body thoroughly. Body  is like a machine if we'll not utilize it' it would be unserviceable. So fluently and dexterously shake and move your body, your arms, shoulders,legs, back,knees and all of your joints. for this purpose give your body exercise, because exercise is the best way to overcome laziness.

 Use Colorful and Comfortable Outfits,

           Lack of motivation can make us dull. Changing your clothes may change your mood. You can adjust your choice based on your personal style'body figure and personality. Open your closet and take a god look at your clothes but don't spent a lot of time in select a right dress.

 Change Your Footwear,

          Uncomfortable footwear are also decrease your efficiency. Use comfortable and restful shoes that you can walk and work without any inconvenience.

 Eat but Less,

           Overeating is also a cause of laziness.When you eat more than your need your stomach becomes heavy then you begin to feel cumbersome and slothfulness. Eat less than your need and be energetic.

 Make your Surroundings Attractive,

             Your surroundings has an effect on you and your conduct. A good environment can reduce your stress. Its impacts our bodies in multiple ways. For example, rooms with bright light, both natural and artificial,simple but impressive decorations and cleanliness can improve your will for work and overcomes depression, indolence and sleep.

     Some more tips including' take a shower with lukewarm water, foot massage, fast music and dip your foot in water can also beneficial to avert laziness from you.

A Most Important Point,       

  Be thankful to God for creating you complete and strong and don't think about the things you can't understand or change. 

                                    " Be Active'  Be Healthy"