Walk' A Way Towards Health



    Every parent knows that the first step of a child is an event. several months are required for this interim step to becoming a good pace, but that children become walkers, open the door to independence, testing and, ultimately, productivity. And that walking is a significant achievement for each person walking upright on two legs is an outstanding achievement for our species.In fact, walking is one of the things that distinguishes man from other animals.Walking is automatic function, internal human being, it serves a practical function. 

    Curiously, though, modern man seems determined to walk as little as possible. Few men have walked five miles to work - but few choose to walk half a mile from the house or neighborhood store friends. And it is not just a matter of walking for transportation; moving walks take us through airports, elevators and escalators and attract many healthy men away from the stairs. Segway motor "on" never been taken suffer another defeat.Be part of your daily walk. Walk to work and shop. If it is too, try to walk to the train instead of driving there, and then get off the bus or subway a few stops before your destination. Rather than compete for the nearest parking or pay extra for a nearby parking farther away and walk to your destination parking. Go for a walk at lunch instead of spending all their time in the cafeteria.

      No special equipment to walk in the course of their daily life is necessary. street shoes support are sufficient, but if you prefer, you can change your walking shoes for walking trips or afternoon. And since you do not have to push enough to sweat, you do not need special clothes; just stay warm in winter, cool in summer and dry in the rain. But when the weather is severe or slippery streets, priority to safety and walk down the long corridors, in a mall or on the stairs
      Exercise burns calories. In the case of walking and running, the calories much more dependent on the distance traveled and the weight of your body as your own burned. This table shows the calories consumed per mile of walking or running in the plan for people of varying weights:

      Walking has everything. Simple and natural, that requires no training or experience. It can be a very modest form of exercise or may require sufficient skill and intensity of being an Olympic sport. You can walk only by loneliness or friends for the company. You can walk inside or outside on a treadmill belt of the city or the country, at home or away. You can get all the benefits of moderate exercise, with a very low risk of injury. And to boot, walking is cheap. However, Charles Dickens was right: "Walk to be healthy, walk to be happy."